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As you you paced around in a circle in front of the bathroom door wondering how the fuck you were going to get to find your way back, since you didn't pay attention to your surroundings when you wandered your way over here.

You still had time to yourself and- somehow, try to find your way back. But now what you needed was splash of cold water on your face to cool you down.

Entering the bathroom and turning to the sink, you turned the faucet on and splashed ice cold water on your face, your face scrunched up slightly at the temperature but soon turned back to normal.

Instead of going out, you were still in your lunch period so why not just spend the rest of it here alone in this empty bathroom all alone.
'Seems like a fun time to me!'

     You walked over to the corner near the window and sink, and sat down immediately going through your phone.
I wonder if there's any school accounts of this school just like those I keep seeing people post about- ooh! Maybe there's a sleeping one!
Going on Instagram you searched up the school, and funny enough there were!
There was even a shoe account! Wait... was that person kneeling- oh no!
You swiped away from the shoe account immediately, ignoring what you just saw and kept looking.

     'Kamome Gauken rumors?'
Pressing on it curiously you looked through it, most of it just being dumb school rumors about people, scrolling passed those you found something interesting.
'Hanako-san who haunts the old building girls bathroom'
Hah? A ghost? Fun!
Reading through about the rumor you wondered if you could do it.

     Great! Now where's the old building girls bathroom? Getting up and looking around curiously, you realized how dumb you are. This is very much clearly the old building... and the girls bathroom.

     Inwardly groaning, you went back to the post on your phone to read through it again, 'okay, thirds stall,' looking up from your phone you looked for the third stall. Oh I'm already in front of it!- you happily thought, so check! Now next is to summon, skimming through it then putting your phone back to its pocket, which was your bra, you dramatically coughed in your hand.

     Raising your hand up to the door, you started to feel nervous. 'Shit, this feels like when you're in the bathroom and you're brain starts staying Bloody Mary and you get all scared.' You thought worriedly, but no! You weren't going to back down! Your mom might've raised a pussy- but you definitely weren't going to back down now!

     "Hanako-san, Hanako-san... are you there?" You shakily asked as you knocked. Closing your eyes as a reflex waiting for something to happen, but when nothing did happen you opened them right back up. "Oh come on! Show yourself you fucking pussy! Fucking cunt!" You swore at the stall in front of you and banged on the stall, you felt like Maddy from Euphoria right now. "Man, what a fucking blow... ha! Blow!" You let out a small laugh and got ready to leave before a voice spoke up.

     "Hello!" A boyish voice happily said behind you.

     You immediately turned around to see a boy with an old school uniform and hat with one of the most amber eyes you've ever seen. 'Those eyes are almost as pretty as that girl with the ombré eyes!' You thought with warm cheeks before snapping into reality and realizing there's a maybe ghost boy in front of you.

     "Who the fuck are you bowl cut boy? Edgar headass!"

      "Language!" He said offended and dramatically put a hand over his chest before putting it down to introduce himself. "I'm Hanako of the girl bathroom! You summoned me so what would you like?" He asked happily.

     "Isn't Hanako a girl though?" You asked curiously as you looked him up and down with a hand on your hip.

      Realizing you were looking at him up and down, he blushed slightly as he too gave you a once-over, 'she's perfect!' he thought as he kept looking at her up and down completely.

      "Um, hello?" You interrupted his thoughts.

     "Oh yeah! I'm very much clearly not a girl- or a Edgar...?" He said confusingly at the last part. "I'm very much a boy who's here to give you a wish!"

     "A wish? Um, okay weird ghost boy..." You went over closer to him and that's when he noticed the deep dark circles you have under your eyes which in a way complimented you.

     "Oh! Is your wish to sleep? Here, sleep on my lap, sleep on my chest- put your chest on my fa-!" He was cut off.

      "Um- no thank you ghost! I probably have to get going now before class starts." You said quickly and went out the bathroom door, hoping to get away from that ghost. Sure, you can maybe deal with stalkers and creeps- but a supernatural? No! You're not one of those tiktok spiritual crystal bitches- you're just a girl who stays up at night because you have no choice.

    "Hey wait! What about your wish?" Hanako floated over to you in a hurry, once he caught up to you, he got in front of you, stopping you completely, and waited for your wish with a notepad and pen in hand. "Now, whats your wish?" He asked happily.

     "For you to leave me alone."

     "No can do! A real wish!"

     Deciding to play with the ghost a little you thought of something, so this ghost won't leave me alone till I make a wish? I guess it'll be good to have a ghost friend and servant.

     "So you won't leave me alone till I say a wish, huh?"


      "Well... since I don't have a wish... I guess you'll be stuck with me as a slave for awhile then!"


𝙔𝙊𝙐'𝙍𝙀 𝙈𝙔 𝘿𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙈 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 - Various! Tbhk x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now