The Quest.

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"How can this be happing?" I asked, clearly dumbfounded listening to this creature explain.
"Well. It is, so you better get your butt up and help me down from this tree. I think I'm stuck," the dragon wined.
"Fine. Why are you here anyways?" I asked.
"To help you,"
"To help me with what?" I questioned.
"Your quest,"
"What the heck is my quest then! To see if I'm totally insane for dragging a dragon out of a tree!"
"No," Braylynn said,"Your quest to find your mother."
"What? I've always thought she was dead. She never came back to get me at the orphanage, so I thought she just didn't want me anymore. And my dad was the same too," I said tears welling up in my eyes.
"Your mother wanted you. Trust me. But she couldn't keep you, it wasn't safe for you or,"
Braylynn stopped.
"For me-or who?" I stuttered.
"Oh, nobody. Just forget I said anything," Braylynn said .
"No. This is now too important to me to just let it go," I said.
" Just don't freak out. Ok?"
"The last time you told me not to freak out was when I met you, so I'll pass on the not freaking out part," I stated.
" Ok. It wasn't safe for you, and your sister," Braylynn stated looking at the ground.
"My sister?"
"Yes, you have a sister, and she's next after I pick you up, so let's go." Braylynn stated.
"Wait! Go where?" I asked.
"To the old west bound train tracks." He stated.
"And where does my sister live?" I asked.
"She lives at 2446 Cherry Lane. Not to far from here."
"2446 Cherry Lane," I mumbled under my breath," That's where Annabeth lives."

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time!
I'm going to try to get a few chapters in this week, so keep a look out for new chapters!
Thanks for all my reads and thank you for your patience.

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