Aliens Taste Good

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These are My awesomely weird friends that take a HUGE part in this book!!

@lpbookworm484 @Mailesmily @Dragon-flakes @yidiotop @MoreThanAFeeling101 @just_pretending @Symbella @ImBeautifulDisaster @CatoriHinto @internal_scars

                            First chapter


                   This is how it all started.....

                         *says creepily* enjoy....

*we're surrounded by alien space creatures that won't let us kill the king to take over the universe*

Me: "Mailesmily you take out the guard on the right with flying punches! just-pretending you take out the left with your space meteors! Yidiotop you get the middle with your laser guns! Dragon-flakes get the one behind you with a drop kick! Symbella get the two to your right with whirled punches! MoreThanAFeeling get the one flying above you with a flying kick! lpbookworm Get the three around you with sucker punches and knee kicks ImBeautifulDisaster get the five around you with your karate chops! Got it?! Good!

Symbella: Why don't we just attack them all at once?

Everyone: *mumbles in agreement*

Me: Fine if you want to do it the hard way. *sighs* ATTACK!!

Everyone: *attacks at once*

*five minutes later*

Alien King: Well I see you have made it here...

Me: Give over the universe or else!!

Dragon-flakes: Yeah! What she said before I cast a spell on you!

Mailesmily: Yeah you don't wanna mess with us our awesomeness might intimidate you...

Just-pretending: *mumbles* or at least my awesomeness...

ImBeautifulDisaster: Hey your not the only one with awesomeness here!

just-pretending: Well I have the most awesomeness!!

Dragon-flakes: NuUh! I have awesome awesomeness too!!

Yidiotop: So do I!

Symbella: Lima Neeson is awesome.

MoreThanAFeeling: He sure is... but so am I!

lpbookworm: Guys guys we all know that I'm the most awesome one here!

Me: everyone shush! Not now.... besides I have the most awesome of all awesome of awesomeness awesomeness of awesomeness..... Yeah that's right I just went there.

Alien King: You can have the universe I didn't want it In The first place! I just came here for the fries!

Everyone: *mumbles* oh OK then well if you say so

Symbella: I WILL KILL YOU! *grabs laser guns from Yidiotop* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Yidiotop: Symbella, we don't have to kill him you know....

Dragon-flakes: Symbella. Symbella!! Get back here!

Everyone: *screaming for Symbella to come back*

Symbella: AHHHHHHHH IM GONNA KILL YOU THAN WE SHALL RULE THE UNIVERSE!!!! *trips over a piece of dust* own...

Mailesmily: *runs up to Symbella* You ok?

Symbella: yeah....

Alien King: Ahahahahahaha, stupid human don't think you can kill me! Liam Neeson isn't even good....

Symbella: *Gets up slowly* you shouldn't have said that...

Everyone: *takes 2818919443029810204946 steps back*

Alien King: AHAHAHAHA! What are you gonna do huh? Get lame Lima Neeson on me? Huh?

Symbella: That's it... *gets Dragon-flakes to conjure her up a giant soward* Say goodbye Alien King... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Alien King:  :O uh... I was just kidding I swear!!! please have mercy on me...

Symbella: I GIVE NO MERCY TO LIAM HATERS! *cuts alien king in half*

Alien King: *dies*

Everyone: *walks up to Alien King's body, bleeding purple gooey blood*

Yidiotop and Dragon-flakes: *pokes it*

Mailesmily and lpbookworm: *grabs handful of blood and molds it into heart shapes*

MoreThanAFeeling and ImBeautifulDisaster: *pokes it with sticks*

Symbella: *continues stabbing dead Alien King*

Me: *Sniffs it*

just-pretending: *licks it* hmm not bad..

Everyone: *tastes it* pretty good... delicious! Amazing! Wow why don't we have this stuff on earth?

Everyone: *eats Alien King*

Me: well that was good... So tacos?

Everyone: *mumbles in agreement*

THE END!! Hope you guys liked it! And if you didn't then....I DONT GIVE A [this content has been deleted]!!!!

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