Chapter Three

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   I woke up, and felt ill. but, not sick... I felt more nervous... A nervous type of ill... I don't know, I'm stupid.

   I was afraid that he would come to my house and kidnap me, then keep me from seeing the light of day again, starving me, causing me to die.

   Geez, I didn't realize I was holding my breath... I inhaled, then exhaled.

   I still felt ill.

I got up, stretching my legs, and my delegate arms. I threw my legs over my bed, stood up, and let out a horrendous moan. I am so exhausted. My brain isn't awake; nor my body-- considering, when I got up, I almost fell, but I caught a hold of my night stand.  What a life saver.

    I was just about to change my clothes, but I paused. I skimmed out of my window, searching for Zayn. Nothing. I closed my curtains and got changed.

    I went down stairs, and made a delicious breakfast.

    I decided to take stroll in the large park. It was cold out, so I put on a baggy sweater to cover up my cold, pale skin.

    I opened the door to my flat, to find a familiar face. Zayn.

    "Hey," he smirked.

    "GAH!" I slammed the door right in his face. He deserves it.

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