You Have To Survive Your First Week

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25 years before the crash

I stood in my front yard. I was fixing my bike when I heard a car door slam and I looked up to see Mr Grey with a girl. I watched as they walked up the pathway.

"Mr Grey." I called out.

"Oh hi Derek. What a lovely day it is out today." He replied

"Yes sir."

"This is my daughter Meredith, she will be living with me from now on."

"Hi Meredith." I say.

"Hi." She said shyly.

"Well I better be getting her inside. You have a nice day and enjoy the sun."

"I will Mr Grey."

I watched them walk inside. Then moved my bike to the backyard where my sisters all were. I didn't even notice the car pull up outside our house.

"Derek we're going to play tag. Do you want to play?" Nancy replied.


"You're it Kath."

We ran around playing tag. At one point I looked up at the window next door and saw a figure watching us but I looked back to the game and avoided getting tagged. We ran around laughing and enjoying the sunshine.

"Kids can you stop for a second." Mum said as she joined us. She looked like she had been crying and giving the worst news you could possibly receive. "There has been an accident. You're father... Your father was shot and has been killed." She tells us.

All 5 of us just don't say anything and we just feel our mum's arms wrap around us all. How can this happen, one minute you're happy and the next minute your life has been ripped apart.

Later that night our grandparents had come over to our house to watch us while mum dealt with things at the hospital. It was close to 10 o'clock. Nancy and Kathleen were in my younger sisters rooms trying to comfort them and get them to sleep. I couldn't sleep. So I left my bedroom and went out to the front yard.

"Hi." I hear from beside me.

I turn to see Meredith, the new girl next door.


"Are you okay? I didn't mean to pry but earlier I saw a police car leave your house and your mother come and stop your game."

"Um my father was killed earlier today."

"Oh I am so sorry."

"It's okay."

"Well my life is pretty crappy at the moment. My mother lost custody over me. My father and her and broken up 5 years ago and moved to Boston. I haven't had any contact with him for 5 years. Then my father wins custody of me and now I have moved back to Seattle to a new step mum and two new sisters I never knew about until now."

"That must suck?"

"Yeah I guess. I really hate family at this moment."

"Me two. I have my grandparents watching me at the moment. They are in the kitchen drinking tea and my 4 sisters are comforting each other. I don't have anyone to comfort me because they are girls and they get each other."

"Well I have been alone for the past 5 years I know how it feels. Do you feel like an outcast?"

"Yeah I do."

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