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Live Bait.

Micheal Pelletier: The Farm

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Micheal Pelletier:
The Farm

               Dale shined his flashlight down the horrid-smelling well; revealing a bloated walker with sticky wet skin and bulging eyes. Micheal gagged, his hand shooting over his nose and mouth. It snarled at them, showing it's graying gums as it hissed.

It had no teeth.

"Oh, god", Beth's face twisted up in disgust. "How terrible".

"How long do you think it's been down there?", Glenn asked, leaning over the edge and staring down at the monster.

"Long enough to grow gills", Andrea answered.

"We can't leave it in there, god knows what it's doing to the water", Lori grimaced.

"It doesn't matter", Micheal shuddered, "it already contaminated the water; whether we get it out or not".

"Mikey's right, we should just seal it off", Kenny agreed.

"We can't just leave it in there", Beth argued; staring at the group with a shocked expression, as if surprised they were even considering it.

Shane stared at her for a moment before slowly nodding, "alright, we'll get it out, don't worry".

"Easy", T-Dog butt in, "put a bullet in its head. I'll get a rope".

"Woah, woah, guys". Maggie gagged, "no".

"Why not?". Glenn asked, looking up at her. "It's a good plan".

"It's a stupid plan", Andrea argued, "shooting it will only contaminate the water more".

"Regardless", Micheal butt in again, "we can't drink or bathe in this water".

"Micheal's right", Kenny agreed, still staring down at the bloated monster, "who knows what it could do to us".

"We can't leave it!", Beth argued. "Would you guys want to spend the rest of your life stuck in a hole?".

"So what, it has to come out alive?".

"So to speak".

"Well how do we do that?".

"Live Bait", Micheal swallowed.

Everyone slowly looked up at Glenn, who let out a deep sigh, staring down at the walker. Kenny looked at the man before side-eyeing the beautiful blond standing besides Micheal. He swallowed, "I'll do it".

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