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Another quote from Richard Deeley.

          "Nobody deserves death, but there are people who don't deserve life-- evil people

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"Nobody deserves death, but there are people who don't deserve life-- evil people. Life is a precious thing and sometimes there are people who don't deserve that", it was a saying Micheal never really thought about until then, sitting there, blankly staring at his fathers corpse. It was a quote from his grandfathers favorite story, a story that Micheal couldn't remember the name of.

Richard Deeley was the only person in Micheal's life that treated him like an equal; his grandfather. He looked at Micheal and never saw a little kid, he saw a boy. He looked at him and didn't think of the words: little, tiny, timid-- no, he saw a boy. A strong boy that had to grow up too fast in a terrible, fake, world.

Micheal idolized his grandfather, believed in every word he ever spoke. Until now, that saying, his grandfathers favorite-- he no longer believed.

Some people deserve death.

Some people deserve to die, and Ed Pelletier was one of them. So no, Micheal didn't feel grief, he didn't feel sadness or remorse. If anything, he was glad.

He was glad his father was dead.

That night, twenty-two people died; including Amy, Jim and Ed.

Micheal stared blankly at his fathers dead corpse, trying to make sense of the emotions he was feeling. He felt like a monster, another cold beast shaped and molded by this cruel world. What child doesn't feel remorse for his own fathers death? Just a few hours ago, Amy was telling him about her ex boyfriend in the RV. Just yesterday Jim was rambling to Micheal about the difference between types of screwdrivers. He felt more remorse and grief for a couple strangers than he did his own father.

A shadow appeared over his fathers corpse; prompting him to look up.

Daryl Dixon stood above him, two dirty water bottles in each of his hands. Impotently, he held out a water bottle towards the boy, his jaw clenched. Micheal took it, cradling it in his hands. "You mind if I take 'im".

Micheal looked away to stare at his father for a few moments, "to where?".


Micheal stood, unscrewing the water bottle and taking a sip. The water was warm, "Go ahead".

Daryl nodded, tucking his water bottle into his back pocket. He knelt down and took ahold of each ankle, "he can't hurt you anymore, y'know".

Micheal stared at the man and watched as he began heaving the heavy man away; leaving a trail in the dirt behind him. Daryl's muscles strained, his neck veins popped out with each yank on the dead mans leg. Micheal always wondered what happened after death; whether it was heaven, hell, or nothing at all. Whatever it was, he hoped Ed was getting the worst afterlife imaginable. Not the kind with hooks and hell fire, the kind where it's just nothing, just darkness and loneliness for the rest of eternity. He watched as Ed's face dragged across the ground.

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