Truth Or Dare

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"Cheers!" I shout and lift up my shot glass. I had been having countless of drinks tonight.
Joonas, Niko, Aleksi and y/n followed and we swallowed the liquid.
Y/n groaned. "This tastes like shit." She said.
"I can agree." Aleksi said and grinned.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Joonas suggested.
"Isn't it a bit childish?" Y/n says, raising one eyebrow. "I thought we were full grown ups?"

"We are, but not Joonas" I say and everyone laughed at my joke.

We end up playing truth or dare as Joonas wanted. We sit in a circle on the floor.
"I will start." Joonas say, looking dead serious. I can't help but smile at the blond ones serious look.

"Truth or dare.. y/n" he says. Y/n rolls her eyes. "I knew this was coming. I pick truth"
Joonas smiles and seems to think about what he will ask.


I can't belive I'm sitting on my floor with four grown up men and playing truth or dare. Like I did in highschool.
Joonas has decided what he would ask me and now he had a smirk on his face.
"And what are you smiling at?" I ask.
"I have the best question." He says. "Oh no, this doesn't sound good for you." Olli whispers in my ear.
"Let me hear it." I say.
Joonas can't stop smiling. "If you couldn't fuck Olli, which one in this room would you have sex with?"

Joonas looks so proud about his question. "Are you serious Joonas?" I say and let a sarcastic laugh.
He nods. Everyone's eyes are on me. I could feel the tense in the room. Like no one was breathing. Olli's eyes were scanning me, like he was gonna judge my answer.
I hesitated. Everyone in this room was handsome, mostly Olli of course. I hadn't talked so much to Niko, so probably not him. Now it's just Joonas and Aleksi left.

Joonas is handsome I need to admit, but he was a bit too energic for me. We hadn't that special connection.
And Aleksi was beautiful. His black hair and his crystal blue eyes were amazing.

"Probably Aleksi I think.." I say slowly. Aleksi's eyes are wide open, like he didn't expect this. Olli looks at Aleksi. I can see a bit of jealousy on his face, but he hides it well.
"Good girl." Joonas says with a smile. "Now it's your turn."

I look at everyone in the room. Who should I ask?
I decide to ask Aleksi. If he says truth, I am sure about what I will ask him.

"Truth or dare Aleksi?" I say, grinning. I really hope he says truth.
"Dare." He says. Well there goes my plan. I was planning to ask who his crush is.
"Hmm, let me think." I say. I try to come up with a good dare.
"Tell me a joke." I say. I couldn't come up with anything better.
"Uhh." He says. "What do you call a cow during an earthquake?"

Olli looks confused. "What do you call it?"
"A milkshake!" Aleksi says with a smile. He is the only one laughing.
"Next!" I shout and apperantly it makes everyone laugh.

We get more and more drunk as the time goes on, and are probably on our way to reveal our deepest secrets.
Suddenly it's Olli's turn. He asks Aleksi, and he picks truth.
I really hope that Olli can read my mind and ask about Aleksi's crush.
It seems like he can read my thoughts because he ask Aleksi: "who is your crush?"
Everyone looks curiously at Aleksi. He is drunk, so he will probably reveal it. I hope it's someone I know.

"I don't know if I can tell you." He says. I can see that he is hesitating. "Come on! You can tell us!" I say. I'm really curious.
I feel tired so I put my head on Olli's shoulder. He puts his arm around me. I look up at his eyes and we both smile.

"Tell us!" Joonas shouts. He is also excited about this.

"Fineee." Aleksi say. Every eye in the room is on him.

"It's y/n."

Writer's word:

Yeaahhhh... i'm sorry it ends like this haha!

I have decided that I will start a new story.
But fuck I can't decide if It should be about Aleksi or Joonas! I mean there is a lot of stories about Aleksi already, and my idea of the story would not suit his personality so well, it would suit Joonas better. But, there are so many good stories about Joonas. I don't know what I should do help me!

I already haved it planned, so I'm gonna try start writing it soon.
I will try to continue on this one, but I will focus on the new one.

The reason I start a new one is because this was my first story, and I was just writing what came to my mind. Now I will try to plan it a bit more.
I also don't know what could happend next, but I will have this story as a side project!

I will try a new style in the new story, I will have a main character and include pictures. :)

God I feel sad because I'm leaving this Olli story behind. :(

Thank you so much for reading this far! <3

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