Chapter 14- Examines, Tests and the Result

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Chloe's POV


"Doc! She's awake!"

Immediately doctors and nurses piled into the room tripping over each other. Oh goddess what have I done?


I averted my vision from those hypnotizing ocean-blue eyes and fixiated my sight on the crystal clear sea of white above of me. Honestly I have no idea why i'm describing the ceiling probably because I envy it. Its luckier than me, I mean it doesn't have anyone who cares for it, heck what am I yapping about its not a living thing. Oh how I wish to take its place. I sigh looking at it wistfully. For three full seconds, I stared up at the ceiling blocking out any given connection with the world. Meaning no sounds were reverbirated into my ear. At split second before the moment had ended, a word flashed in blood red marker. Then... it was gone. The moment, the word, the color was gone. All sounds flooded my ears again.


I turn my head to the owner of the voice.

"Yes?" I said to the doctor.

"We're going to need to do some tests on you." The nurse butts in. I nod.

"Can you walk?" She asks. I shoot her a glare.

"I was in a coma that doesn't mean that i'm crippled." I say. Just to prove my point , I rise from the bed, once i'm on the floor I hold bed for support. I feel like the world is spinning. I regain my balance and take baby steps towards the door, once I reach there I say, "Lets go."

The nurse leads the way to the examine room with me following her right under her heels. She first knocks on the door.

"Come on in." I barely heard a person say from the inside. Hmm weird. I used to hear whispering from miles away before I got into this coma. I slowly walk into the room.

"Take a seat here." The doctor says to me patting on the chair covered with plastic. I plop down on the seat.

"Okay so we will be doing some tests on your body making sure its healthy and whatnot." He said informing me about the examines.

"So the for the first body test we'll test your speed, first on 10 mph then to 50 mph." He casually said. Apparently we weren't on the same page.

"Are you out of your mind?? I just came out of a coma!" I exclaimed.

"I was in a coma that doesn't mean that i'm crippled." Said the nurse mimicking my previous words. I give her a dirty look and turn to the doctor.

"Yeah, I can walk but you expect me to run?" I say. I thought he was supposed to be a doctor and not try to kill people.

"You're a werewolf," He said. "You can handle it."

I sighed giving in honestly I am really tired of this and I have no more energy to argue, "Okay." I stepped onto the tredmill and the doctor set the speed.

"Are you ready?" Asked the doctor. I nodded and placed both my feet on the sidelines. He pressed the start button and I started walking then jogging then sprinting and I was only at 2 miles per hour slowly the speed became 3 mph and it all happened so fast I didn't even see it coming. I flew off the tredmill! Immediately the doctor ran to me and asked, "Are you okay?"

I groaned in response. "Okay, lets move on to the next test." He said writing something on his clipboard. Clearing my throat so the doctor would get the message and help me up. He stuck out his hand and I transfered my weight onto his hand as he helped me up. "Follow me." He said. He led us into a dim lighted room with a poster of letters.

"Okay for ths test I will test your vision so stand at the end of room and i'll ask you what letters you can see." He went to the poster and pointed at a letter. I shook my head I couldn't see that far only an outline all I know that he was pointing at the biggest letter. The doctor sighed and wrote another thing on his notebook. And led me to the neighboring hospital room. We entered a light pink shaded room with shiny white tiles. I was surprised it was an empty room with nothing in it.

"This is the last test." Said the doctor.

"Um why is it empty?" I questioned confused.

"Why is what empty?" Asked the doctor.

"The room." I said in a duh tone.

"You need to shift for the last test." He said a bit anxious.

"Okay, thats easy." I said confused by his expression. I closed my eyes and thought about my wolf but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get the image of my wolf in my head. I opened my eyes only to feel salty water forming in them.

"I- I can't sh- shift." I stuttered and broke down into tears falling on my knees. I felt a hand rubbing my back and reassuring words from the doctor. I sniffled a thank you and stood up.

"So what does this mean?" I asked, I have never felt so helpless in my life.

"Umm..." The doctor trailed off.

"What is it?" I asked scared of what he had to say.

"Well judging by the results..." He started choosing his words carefully.

"Yes?" I asked more anxious than ever.

"The tests confirmed my suspicions from the start." He said.

"What suspicions?" I asked extremely agitated.

"Okay, I am going to tell you the truth and not beat around the bush." He took a deep breath.

"Chloe, you are human."


Squeal!!!! I updated. I am truly sorry for not updating earlier. I was busy. (No I wasn't just lazy but I dont want you to get mad at me.) Anyways even though this chapter is 1000 words or so, this whole chapter is Chloe's POV. Anyone shocked about the revelation. She is HUMAN!!! But don't worry if you're confused, the next chapter will clear up everything. So about the not updating part... Well I had many opportunity's but I just had this writers block and an elephant came to my house and ate my computer and... ya... Im out of excuses. *Bites bottom lip sheepishly* hehe. Anywayssssssss yeah. So yeah. Im done ranting you may now finish this chapter.

WAIT! I am planning to finish this book during the summer and give surprise updates so yeah!!! Anyways now you may continue finishing this chapter.







Heart It


Next Update: 10k reads, 800 votes and 600 comments. (BTW Please try to complete these requirements, these are not when the next chapter is updated but simply goals I'd love to achieve.)

Oh and trailer to the side>>

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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