Chapter 10- Shots fired

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I freakin love you guys I got so many banners and covers ill never run out :) Though this girl didnt make a banner or cover she is a great friend and this chapters dedicated to her :) Here is a cover to this side >> I will use it in 2 weeks time :)


 Chloe's POV

I woke up in a dark room. What the hell? A split second later, all the memories from yesterday bombarded my head. I screamed so loud people in Australia would hear me and it wouldn't be a surprise. I heard a door and slam close.

"Why the hell are you screaming at 3 in the morning." A gruff voice asked, with an obvious annoyed tone in his words.

I didn't respond. I was just shaking.

"Effing answer me." His voice boomed.

*I dont like using bad words so much because there are younger readers okay.*

I shook my head at him. And i continued to shake.

He took a deep breath and said, " I am going to count to 5 if you dont answer me you will get beaten, hard."






"Okay that's it." He said.

He grabbed my hair and dragged me back and forth whilst I was screaming and hissing in pain.

"Let her go!" Growled a voice.

Ther hunter turned around and dropped my hair in surprise, causing my head to plummet to the ground. I groaned and whipped my head around. I mentally squealed in surprise to see Sean, the bastard. Yep, that's right. That's his name now, Sean, the bastard. Why so cruel choice of words, you might ask? Well that bastard deserves it. He kidnapped me and let his men torture me. What kind of sicko does that then stops his minion from retorturing me. If thats even a word. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out he was bipolar.

"Are you okay?" Said Sean in concern.

Is he effing kidding me, this guy was really out of his mind, now I had a concerned look of my face, was he a physco. I'll take him to a physciatrist if I have to.

"Uh are you effing kidding me Sean?" I said with anger evident in my tone.

He slightly winced as if my words actually hurt him. Damn is this some type of joke, all I know is that its not April fools yet.

"No I'm not kidding, I'm concerned for your well-being." He said sincerely.

"Like hell you are, you let your men torture me." I shouted a bit too harshly than I had originally intended to say.

This time he visibly flinched. Like what the hell!?

"I didn't even know!" He exclaimed.

Oh so this guy wants to play, he wants to play the innocent game. Okay fine by me, there is a reason why there always is 2 players in 1 game. Well let me sign up for the free spot, countering by playing along.

"Oh, I am so sorry, I had no idea." I said faking to understand him.

Sean raised an eyebrow at me.

"Really?" He said.

"Yes! I'm so sorry, truly." I said feigning my apology.

Sean seemed surprised to see my change of mood but being the dimwitted brain he is, he merely dismissed it and hugged me. His action caught me off guard but to play my act I hugged him back, fighting the inpulse of vomiting on his face threatening to come out. I let go of him and just stood their until an excruciating pain hit my chest sending me to physically fly backwards bangng my head on the wall. I could hear Sean faintly yelling my name as I slumped on the ground fighting for air but one phrase from my wolf made me stop.

"He mated another wolf, my mate mated another wolf." Kelly said sadly, before she left me, my body, my soul.

I guess she didn't want to live anymore, honestly I don't blame her. I guess I'll be doing myself a favor by leaving this world too, really whats there to fight for. I was planning to hide at my house so my parents dont know i'm there and thats all. So leaving won't be a problem to anyone or myself to feel bad. Goodbye life. Most people would say I will miss you but I said, thank you for letting me go before my body slumped, my eyes rolled and I. I retreated into the darkness, not for a temperary time but for good. I guess this was it. I had officially lost.


Omg, Chloe's POV is super sad :'( I hope you guys liked it. I actually made 800 words for her POV only, I guess that repays for the wait??? But hope you guys liked this chapter bye. Hahaha jokes nope I'm not THAT mean. I mean whats a chapter without Zach's POV. :P I know you guys think he's a douche but really. Is he really? So you'll guys find out in this chappy. Jut to warn ya, you'll hate Zach forever in this chapter, I'm just saying.

Important Author's Note in the end, READ IT.


Zach's POV

I jolted awake from the bed at precisely 3:00 in the morning, when I felt a body grinding into me. I turned around to look and saw Emma. Hmm she seemed kind of familliar like someone from my past. I dismissed the thought, whatever. My beautiful mates eyes sprang open, the familliar caramel colored eyes, I'd grown accustomed to. Even though we had just met yesterday, we had been familliarized with eachother.

"Hey babe." She purred, grinding into me.

I smirked grabbing her body placing it flat on top of mine. She mimicked my smirk and aruptly stood up on the bed. She slowly reached for the hem of her shirt. Me watching her every move. Then slowly pulled it up giving it a dramatic effect. Then all of a sudden she pulled off the shirt off her body, throwing it to the ground and walked over to me seductively. Uh oh I now where this is going to go. I commanded myself to not look at her body but failed, I mean really failed. My eyes roamed around her body taking note on how she was wearing lace undergarments. My mate was really testing me and honestly whatever she was planning was definately working. I snatched her body and laid her on my torso as she played with my shirt. I licked my lips and tapped her pointing to her neck. She nodded. Smiling I started trailing kisses down her neck, earning moans, smiling against her skin I continued to trail small kisses, giving her an occasional lovebite. Until I found what I was looking for, the spot where I'd mark her. I felt my canines expand and then it happened I sank my teeth into her neck, she screamed in pain, but a second later her screams turned into moans. Taking my teeth out, I used my tongue to clean the blood circling her neck. I already started to see a shape of a wolf form. Looking down at Emma I saw her smiling at me. I returned it back.

"Want to finish mating." Emma said winking at me.

I took one look at her body before looking in her eyes.

"Yes." I growled.


Intense chapter, if you now what I mean *wink wink* LOL. Okay i'm serious now, do you want a chapter for their mating or not. Comment yes or no, and I'm being dead serious honestly. I understand that some people get frusterated when the author's don't describe the mating and stuff so if you want it comment yes and if you dont comment no. C ya people.

Love ya


You know whats next...





Heart It

My love is for you <3

Buh bye muah :)

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