18. Just let me explain.

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"What?" She giggled again.

"All the boys on the soccer team had a bet to see who could play the most girls. And the winner gets money or something." Tears to started running down my face.

"Was that why you and Tyler where fighting earlier?" I Said and my voice was shaking. She didn't answer she just went over to the bar again.

How could I have been so stupid. Of course it was a bet. Everything he had told me was a lie. That he loved me. I even said it back, and he know how hard that was for me. He probably never even cared about me.

Suddenly I saw him and Tyler walking down the stairs headed my way. Sadness turned into anger when I saw him.

He waved at me and smiled. I quickly walked down to the beach. He followed calling my name in confusion.

My eyes caught the guy from the bar. I walked up to him and turned him around.

With Ryan almost running after me I grabbed the guys face and kissed him. I kissed him for a couple of seconds and then I pulled back.

"Thank you." I said and I quickly walked up to Ryan and so slapped him right across the face. "What the hell Tessa!" He yelled out.

"NO! You don't get to say that! I know about the bet Ryan!" I yelled back in anger. "Where you ever going to tell me?" More tears were running down my face, I couldn't help it.

"Just let me explain." He said with his voice still raised.

"No you don't get to explain!" I hissed back.

"Well can you explain then. Why you just kissed a fucking stranger? My Tessa would never do that!" His voice was unsteady and his eyes filled with rage. He was not the one who should be angry right now.

"There is no your Tessa anymore!" I ran away from him, from everyone. I couldn't breathe, and my whole head was spinning. I let him in. I trusted him. Hell, I fucking loved him!


I stayed alone in my room till the next morning when we were going to leave. Me and Sophie sat together at the bus and the flight. I hadn't said a word on either.

"Hey Tess. Can we talk about yesterday?" Sophie asked unsure.

"Yeah sure, talk." I said without looking at her.

"Well I really didn't mean to tell you like that. I just wanted Ryan to tell you himself. But I got drunk and-." I cut her off.

"I know Sophie. I'm not mad at you. And didn't Tyler do the same to you?" I asked finally meeting her eyes.

"He did, but we made up. He told me that he loved me. And that they got to choose for them selves who to date. So for him it was a opportunity to get with me." She paused.
"I think it was like that for Ryan too."

"It's different. Tyler told you, Ryan didn't." Before she could say anything I turned around ant put my headphones on.

We arrived at the airport a few hours later. All of us went our separate ways. The teacher had told us that we would get the next week off because of the trip.

For me the week went by quickly, because all I did was sit at home. Ryan have tried calling, texting and even coming to my house. I never answered. I couldn't bare to look at him, especially not talk to him.

I met Sophie at school the next Monday. She told me about the beautiful cabin Tyler owns. "You can come with us one time when we go there again!" She said eagerly.

"I don't really want to be third wheeling."

"Just bring Rya-." She cut herself off.

"It's ok you can say his name."

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