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"Is it over now?"

"No, not yet."


"Two more minutes."

"I'm gonna throw up, how can you watch this?" Jungkook (my again boyfriend) groaned, stuffing his face into my chest, eyes closed and covered with his fingers. And I laughed. It must have been what I imagined magic to be.

The previous two months lingered under my skin, making me wary of everything, but it could never over overpower how calming it was to have him for me only that evening. No phone calls, meetings, training. No Jiah. No arguments, no fear of Jungkook leaving. The moment he entered Yoongi's livign room, I knew I'd be going back home.

I didn't want him to give up boxing for me. He loved it just as much, and I brought it up again later, but he said he needed a break to be able to come back to what he truly loved – just boxing. Not every other thing that had nothing to do with the sport itself.

Forgiving him was a simple decision. I lengthened it, because uncertainty of the future had its cold fingers around my throat, but the choice between Jungkook and no Jungkook was obvious. I didn't expect everything to improve overnight, but two weeks apart, and what he said when we met again, already brought a lot of changes that let me hope everything was going to be alright.

"It's over," I said, when the scene changed.

"I'll much rather keep my eyes closed." Throwing his arm around my waist, he stayed cuddled up to my side, grimacing at the sounds of the movie.

"What if you fall asleep?"

"Then you fall asleep with me. We'll shower tomorrow."

I smiled, brushing his hair away from his forehead to leave there a peck. "Do you have plans for tomorrow?"

"Something with you, I suppose."

"I'll show you a tattoo design then, okay? I drew it a while ago for... you know, it's a couple's tattoo."

"For us?"

"I thought so."

"Mmm, I'll see it tomorrow. Or maybe now instead of the movie?" He shoot his shot, but failed.

"No, I'm watching."

With a groan, he also threw his leg over mine, and I knew we would be sleeping on the couch no matter what. It was hard to focus on the movie when his warm skin rested against mine, and his sweet scent lingered around so clear and vivid. When I knew the next sponsorship wasn't on his mind. When it was just us, without any pending argument in the air.

It took him half an hour to fall asleep, and I only waited for the end of the movie to turn around, hug him closer to my chest, breathing him in to let the familiarity sooth me to sleep.

It was the first night in a while I slept like a baby, knowing that I was going to wake up and he was going to be there with me. No matter how much time passed, I never got used to the empty bed. Or even couch, in that matter.

Instead of a 'good morning' I got a 'go shower first, I'll make food', and I was even more satisfied than with the first option. We used to fall asleep on the couch more often than not, after watching something or eating late night dinners, and he always knew how much I hated not showering, so while letting me take the bathroom first, he prepared breakfast.

It was never fancy, but always my favorite.

"Have you been eating well recently?" Jungkook asked as soon as I entered the kitchen as a post-shower morning mess. The table was a proper pancake set, which I could smell even in the bathroom, and God, did I miss this. It would be a big lie to say Jungkook didn't make the best pancakes I'd ever eaten. There was everything you could possibly put on pancakes, from spreads to fruit, two coffees steaming by two plates, and he was still cutting up some strawberries.

WHEN THE SEA IS ROUGH (ill hearts 2)Where stories live. Discover now