Part 11🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

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Before y/n knew it her alexquackity dream snapmap and georgeiscolorblind were on an airplane on the way to Idaho for the meet and greet (it's cause Idaho sounds like I duh hoe)

Y/n was very exited because she knew in Idaho she could eat all the raw potato's her heart desired

Alexquackity slept for the whole flight so all    y/n could do was listen to her favorite song (mask sus remix) on loop for hours

After they landed got their bags and arrived at the hotel everyone was exhausted everyone was paired up for the hotel rooms, dream and Georgeiscolorblind were paired up alexquackity and snapmap were paired up leaving y/n to have her own room 💃💃💃💃

For the time being they all went their separate ways and when y/n got to her room she jumped onto the bed and started to sing all star by smash mouth because it was in her favorite movie shrek

After a while she decided to get some sleep because the meet and greet was the next day and she wanted to be focused and sharp minded in cause alexquackitys ex showed up

And boy was she in for a surprise....

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