Part 6🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

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After a few days of alexquackity not hearing from y/n he was going mad with concern
He decided to go to her home and see if she was there and why she wouldn't answer his or anyone else's calls

When he finally arrived he knocked on the door....her grandma answered
"Who are you?!?!" She said "I am alexquackity, y/n's discord kitten🤪🤪🤪🤪 is she here???"
"Lol no she got hit by a bus lolololololololol" alexquackity was in shock
"WHAT?!?!?!??" He screamed
"Yeah lol anyways can you choke me like you hate me but you live me" alexquackity felt like throwing up and he ran away from her as fast and his 2'0 body could carry him

He drove home freaking out and he needed to find y/n

When he got home he ran inside tears streaming down his incredibly hot face

Snapmap saw him and asked him what was wrong soon everyone else came to where they were and alexquackity said through his tears "Y/n got hit by a bus and is now in a coma😭"
The all gasped
Jahames spoke up and said "wow she is just so quirky🤪🤪🤪🤪"

They all rushed out to the car and drove to the hospital
The car stopped and they all ran in
Alexquackity rushed to the front desk asking to see y/n the lady told him what room but said only one visitor at a time and he Naruto ran to her

He stopped before he entered her room
He wiped away his tears not wanting to cry and he walked in and sat beside her

He grabbed her hand and said "y/ are just way to quirky for this world....."
he decided to play music by her favorite artist Ed Sheeran 🤪🤪🤪 (love you Ed 🥕🥕🥕)

He felt her hand twitch in his and he yelled for the doctors

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