Chapter 26.

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DEDICATED TO @EsperanzaRivera4 bcs she's the bomb!

-Nate POV-

I smiled before opening my eyes because I felt Alex wriggle next to me. When I opened my eyes, she was gazing up at me with those big eyes. I melted.

"Morning beautiful." I said kissing her gently.

"Morning." She blushed pulling away. She cuddled closer to me, her body fit perfectly against mine. It's like we're made for each other. "Todays your chill day."

I sighed. "I could stay here with you for the entire day but your brothers a bit of a debby downer."

"I know. Lets get up so you can head out before he gets back." She said getting up and pulling me with her. I groaned and pulled her back into bed, she landed ontop of me.

She got up without me. "Well then I'll just shower alone."

I bolted upright. She had a sexy smirk on her face that I couldn't resist so I got up and followed her to the bathroom.

If I had thought sleeping with Alex was amazing, showering with her was something heavenly. We obviously continued last night in the shower. I couldnt help with the hot water running down her body made it all the more tempting.

I washed her back and her hair. She did the same in return. "I love you girl." I said holding her in my arms. She giggled. "I love you."

And it's true because I really love her.


"Dude your back..." Sammy said when i changed into a clean shirt. I looked at him in confusion. " screams sex."

I froze. Alex. Lastnight. Shit.

"I uhm...I was...I fell." I said stupidly. I almost slapped myself in the face. Sammy snorted and obviously didn't believe me, im a terrible liar.

"Yeah right! Whos the girl? Tell me you know her name at least." He smirked. I had to think fast. But I couldn't.

"Its..I don't..uhm..fuck." I stuttered so badly i just stared at him in response.

"Wait...I sent you home with Alex.." Sammy's smile slowly faded. "You wouldn't leave when she's alone..."

My face turned red. He suspected, no, he knew its Alex. There's no way out of this one.

"Its not - " I started.

He looked outraged. "You fucked my little sister?"

"Bro no, you don't understand - "

"What's there to not understand? You fucked my little sister...behind my back! You've obviously been seeing each other!" He yelled standing up. He looked ready to kill me.

I backed up. "Can we just talk about this? I didn't hurt her Sammy."

"But you will in the long run! You're past proves that! You're supposed to be my brother and not secretly bang my sister. I can't believe Alex!" He yelled and stormed out.

I stared after him. What just happen?

And now he's going to Alex.


I had just finished shower and dress when my bedroom door burst open. An angry looking Sammy glared at me. And the only thing I could register and the moment was...

He knows.

He knows about me and Nate. Nothing could make him that angry, not even someone stealing his blunts. "Sammy - "

"Why the fuck would you do that? Did you not listen to me all this time Alex?" He yelled in my face

"Im not a baby anymore Sammy! So stop treating me like one!" I yelled back.

"You're my little sister!! You're only 17 and Nate's 18. I'm still responsible over you!"

I laughed. "Do you realize how dumb that sounds? Its a ONE year difference! Ive never been happier than when I'm with Nate."

"You don't understand Alex! Im the one trying to protect you from getting hurt because I know you will. Nate's my friwnd but that doesnt mean i want him to be with you." He spat.

"I'd never hurt her." Nate's voice came from the doorway. "Sure i have an ugly past but I'd never do anything to harm her."

"What makes you so sure?" Sammy asked coldly.

"I was depressed in the past, but now I've never been happier. I love her, that's what makes me sure. I love her and that makes me want to protect her from everything."

Sammy snorted. "Load of bullshit!"

"Sammy stop it - " i said quietly.

"You want to defend your fuckbuddy? If you knew why Nate left Omaha for two years then you can defend him!" Sammy said smirking at us.

I was confused. What does he mean if I knew why Nate left? "What does he mean Nate?" I asked. Nate looked down, bitiny his lip.

"Go ahead tell her! Tell her that you're not the innocent boy she thinks you are." Sammy said storming out and slamming the door behind him.

I stared at Nate. "What did he mean Nate?"

He still looked down. I suddenly felt like i don't want the answer to that question. I felt like this isn't gonna be a happy story.

"Nate!" I said. He finally looked up with sad eyes and walked over to me.

"He was talking about stuff that happened in my past. Bad stuff Alex. Things that I didn't wanna tell you." He said.

I felt a lump in my throat like I was trying to swallow glass. "What type of stuff?"

"Let's sit down." He said pulling me onto the floor with him.

Cliffhanger! So the next chapter is about Nates past and why he left blah blah. There's only like 3 more chapters to go but itll be the most eventful ones.

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