Chapter 24.

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-Alex POV-

I finished up my hair and looked into the full length mirror. I had a tight black leather dress on with a pair of dangerous looking black stiletto heels. I felt a few years mature tonight.

My brown hair was curled sophisticatedly and reached my waist. My make up was very light - as usual - but with red lipstick. I was very bold with this entire look tonight but it felt right. I sent a pic to Jack before leaving to the Limo outside.

Nate and Sammy left early but they had a limo reserved to take me to their club party which was out of my comfort. Jack texted back.

From Jack-O: Woahh bad bitch alert! Nate is gonna wanna fuck, use protecion.

To Jack-O: hahaha wtf no. Wish u were here chubbie :(

From Jack-O: I'm in your heart! :)

To Jack-O: you sappy muthafucker! ❤

See why everyone needs a bestfriend like Jack Gilinsky? He's simply the best ever. The limo ride was short so when the driver parked infront of the packed club i still felt nervous. Fans were lined up to get into the club.

I had a VIP entrance and when I got out fans immediately reached out for me. Perks of being Sammy's sister. I felt flustered because I didn't know there would be this many fans! It was madness.

I suddenly felt a strong arm around my waist and looked up.

"Woah backup guys! Its Alex Wilkinson." Nate said pulling me towards the door, his hand around my waist felt protective and so familiar. Just so right.

"Thanks." I yelled in his ear. He smiled and pulled me to the door. A few fans took pics of us which im sure would be a major headline since Nate was holding me. Awesome.

Inside the club it was 50 times crazier! It was packed with party people. Everyone laughing, dancing, drinking and smoking. It was a real famous-people party. "Sammy's with some girl. Lets go meet E3." Nate smiled.

I tried to contain myseld but Wesley and Keaton Stromberg. They are total babes so how could i not get a little freaked out? Especialy Wesley. I mean

"The famous Alex!" Keaton Stromberg said hugging me warmly. I fainted inside. He smelt like something from heaven mixed with hotness. I hugged him back not wanting to let go, still speechless. Hes like a cute cuddly bear.

But when his brother, Wesley, hugged me...I felt like jumping his bones right there. "Hey beautiful." He smiled and hugged a little too intensely for someone I just met. I swear I felt his lips on my neck.

"H-hey." I stuttered and shivered slightly from his hands on my bare back. It was surprisingly nice. When the sperm is golden this is the outcome: Wesley Stromberg. But Nate tensed and stood between us, he sensed that Wesley had other motives.

I ignored it and chatted to Wes. We hit it off immediately, chatting and drinking. Nate was sweet and kept asking if I'm okay or if I wanna leave. He also made sure I didn't drink excessively because Sammy would hang me.

After two vodka shots, I felt Nate's hands on thigh. It wasn't sexual or anything, it was more protective and affectionate. It still made me feel tingly. "Did I mention how out of this world beautiful you look tonight - any time for that matter." He whispered in my ear, standing behind me.

Wesley eyed us. "Thanks Nate." I said shyly but loved the fact that he was this close to me. I needed us to be back to normal again and realized how much I missed it.

I figured Nate did that partly to show Wesley who's girl I am. It work because he went off with some other girl, Keaton disappeared leaving us alone. Nate slid his arms around my waist and we danced to the music.

I didn't think about Shawn, Stacy or even Sammy. All I had on my mind was Nate's body grinding against mine and that was enough for me to want more. I let my hands get lost in his hair. I felt his lips near mine...

Unfortunately our heated dance was stopped when Sammy showed up. Drunk but well aware of guys staring at me.

The night consisted of dancing, drinking and the guys performing their songs. It was a really good party but Nate was on edge and so was I. I really just wanted him like never before. He kept touching me and he even snapped at Sammy when he mentioned Stacy.

Finally, 1 a.m came around and the party died down a bit. I was beyond tired.

"Take her home safely. Got myself a little friend." Sammy threw his keys at Nate and strolled off with some dyed blonde.

Now the normal sober Sammy would never in a million years let Nate drive me home. But Sammy was blindly drunk that he didn't care whether I went home with a rapist.

Nate nodded and pulled me out of the club and into the limo. He was serious faced like this job was life or death.

The whole ride was intensely quiet. Both of us were afraid of saying something that would land us in a fight. But I had to fight urges to hold Nates hand or kiss his cheek.

The air was thick with sexual frustration. He felt it too but kept his hands to himself and that made me angry because we're finally alone. Boys though.

We reached the hotel and Nate walked me to my room. We were still silent. It was starting to annoy me. We stopped at my door and kind of just stared at each other for five minutes. I don't know why but we just did for like no reason.

Then just as I thought Nate would turn around, he pushed me against the door. "He won't be enough for you Alex." Nate said.

"H-he is." I stuttered. I knew he meant Shawn.

He scoffed and pushed me against the wall, his breath on my cheeks. "You want passion, excitement - even danger. He can't give you that but I can. I do." he whispered pressing his body closer.

Before I responded, his lips were pressed on mine - hungry and lustful.

His kisses tasted like damage.

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