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"Go away," I sniffled. This was the worst time he could be here.

"Are you....crying?" He asked me, his voice slow and quiet.

My head snapped up to look at him, nearly giving me a whiplash. Is he fucking serious right now? Yes, I'm crying.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, slowly closing the door behind him.

I narrowed my eyes at him and glared hard. Was he actually asking me that? Right after he kissed that bitch. I sniffed and wiped my tears and tried to swallow the pasta that was suddenly stuck in my throat.

"Go away," I repeated, looking away. I didn't want to be seen crying. Hell, I didn't want to be seen at all.

But he didn't listen, why would he? He could do whatever he wanted. Instead, he walked towards me and crouched down, looking me in the eye. I looked down, not wanting to be near him. I mean, I am crying over the fact that he kissed another girl. So fucking pathetic of me.

He stretched out his arm, coming close to my face, trying to wipe the tears off. But I flinched, crawling back a little, and my eyes widened.

"Don't fucking touch me." I seethed out, remembering the way her hands were all over his hot body. And what hurt even more was that he seemed to have been enjoying it.

Despite what I said, he cupped my face in his hands and held me there, looking straight into my eyes.

Was he going to apologize? I immediately cringed internally for even thinking that. What the fuck was wrong with me. I glared at him, again, trying to put all of my hate in the stare, hoping somehow he'd burn to the ground. That or a bolt of lightning would strike me out of nowhere.

"Calm down, I came here to tell you that you can leave the house and go back."

My eyes widened at his words. "Really?" I whispered, surprised he said that.

I could? I quickly backed away and wiped my tears and stood up and looked at him.

Of course, how stupid was I? He obviously thought that I was crying to go home. I doubt that he even knew that I saw them kiss. Thank God.

I quickly took my things which were only my phone, the pocket knife, and the set of clothes I had been wearing when I got kidnapped.

Val was just standing there, analyzing my every move which made me a bit uncomfortable. His eyes were so mysterious, not showing any emotion at all. That irritated me. You can see people's eyes and know what they think, but his eyes are hard. Not when I kissed him though. The only time his eyes showed emotion was when I kissed him and they were needy to see more.

I shook my head slightly, trying not to think about those moments now. Not anymore. Never. I would never see him again. I shook off the feelings that were slowly creeping into my heart and thought about home. Ashley. I realized that I had no idea where I was and how I would return.

"Well, you kidnapped me, might as well drop me off at home," I muttered under my breath, hoping that he heard me cause I was still too embarrassed that he saw me completely break down while eating pasta.

He nodded at my words and went out of the room, and led me to the same car that we went to the party in. He opened the door for me and I sat inside, mumbling a thank you under my breath.

I don't know why I was disappointed when he didn't sit inside with me. I was kind of hoping that he was going to be there to drop me back home but I quickly shrugged off the disappointment when the car moved.

I smiled at myself that all that was finally over. Not that it wasn't fun. Honestly, it was almost like I was on vacation, but Ashley wasn't with me.

I wasn't tortured, nor was I chained up in the dungeon, they no doubt must have.

As the car slowed to a stop, I jumped out and ran into my apartment. But instead of using the key, which I had, I rang the doorbell and waited there patiently as my eyes teared up. I could only imagine what Ashely must have gone through. That call was the only time I talked to her and she sounded so worried. I mean I would be too if I was her.

As I heard footsteps coming, I began to grow nervous.

The door opened, and there she was standing, with her bloodshot eyes, looking as tired as ever.

Oh fuck. I did that to her.

Her eyes widened when she saw me and I gave her a small smile. I leaned in to give her a hug but the next thing I saw was her hand that came up to my cheek.
My head fell to my side and I groaned in pain, holding my cheek.

"Okay, I deserve that," I said as I looked at her, entering the house as she followed behind, fast.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She said as she continued to hit me on my shoulder crying out curses as tears ran down her face.

"I have been searching for you for so fucking long! And now you're home? FUCK YOU AVI. Do you know what happened? The cops hung up on me. THE COPS," She screamed as I tried to calm her down, feeling guilty when I looked at her. She looked so tired, and her eyes were red from crying.

"Fuck Ash, let me explain. It's a really long story. And I was kidnapped. But yes, I am perfectly alright. And I know that the cops hung up, there's so much I have to tell you, but first," I told her as she slowly quieted down, looking at me with teary eyes, as we both sat down on the couch. I wiped her tears and hugged her. I had missed her so much.

"I am so fucking sorry Ash, I left you. But you have to listen to me and try to understand what I'm about to say. It's going to sound crazy but I promise I'm telling you the truth. And I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I told her as she nodded, willing to listen.

"I think I've gone crazy..." I trailed off and she looked at me with a questioning look.

"I kissed him, Ash, my kidnapper. I kissed my kidnapper." I told her.

And if she wasn't worried before, she definitely was now.

"What the fuck, what is wrong with you? Who was the kidnapper and why the fuck did he kidnap you and then let you go? And again why the fuck did 911 hang up on me?" Ashely asked me as her grip on my hand tightened.

So I told her everything.

From the party to me getting drunk, about Val or Dimitri, whatever his name is, and how I kissed him. And we had a makeout session. And the fact that he was a part of what I think is a mafia.

I told her all and she was looking at me like I had grown another head.

"Look I know it's crazy, but you have to believe me," I told her, hoping that wouldn't just tell me that I was crazy, but my story wasn't that bad, it was pretty believable.

"Wait... did you mention that your kidnapper was the same person in the bar?" Ashley asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

I nodded. She looked at me in horror as she whispered, "Avi, a guy with honey-colored eyes, completely fitting your description came by the house the day after you were kidnapped, he said he was the electrician and that there was something he needed to fix."

My blood ran cold, and my hands started sweating. What the fuck.

"He asked if I had a roommate and I let him because I thought that you had maybe called for one. Fuck Aviana, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that it was the same person from the bar, he did look similar but I couldn't remember." She said as she looked at me and her tears started falling once again.

He had been here when he kidnapped me?

What the fuck.

That was when I grew angry. It's one thing accidentally kidnapping a person but going to the person's house you kidnapped and lying. Oh, he was so going to be dead.

I was going to go back to my kidnapper.

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