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"How long has she been missing?"

Nat sighs fiddling with the little plastic ear piece before pushing it in a little too deep, "About a month after the attack on New York."

"Two years?"

"We've trained her well, she doesn't want to be found, no matter how hard we try." Steve sighs looking down at his own earpiece before placing it in aswell. He glances back at Rumlow who is lingering in to listen. They're currently discussing the whereabouts of a mutual friend, well, Steve wouldn't call her a friend, a colleague. "What happened?" He questions.

Nat has been on edge, he can see it, more than the Russian usually is. She's been scanning every single detail of every face they've passed the past few days, her and Nick have been speaking in hushed tones, no one else, not even Hill allowed in on the conversations. They've been sharing files and swapping datapads. And what's been annoying Steve even more is the fact he also has not been allowed in on to listen.

"I don't know, I was out on a mission and when I got back I was called to New York by May, some woman she babysits for, said she hadn't turned up and she left my number for emergencies. She never misses a time she has to babysit, no matter what, hard mission, stab wound, bullet still inside of her, she's always there for that kid. Always. She loves him like a little brother."

"That's one lucky kid."

"His name is Peter," Nat takes a photo out of her pocket and unfolds it. Patrick is holding a small brunette boy around maybe seven years old. They're both smiling at the camera as they stand in front of a random record and book store. She's wearing a The Strokes shirt tucked into some corduroy jeans, he's in an Arctic Monkeys shirt that is way too big for him, if he was standing it would probably reach his knees, shins even. The girl had obviously forced him into the shirt, one hand holding a cone of ice cream with sprinkles.

"He's a good kid, she paid for him to get into this top school. Do you ever wonder why she lived on a helicarrier?" Steve shrugs and Nat nods towards the picture, "She spends all her money on that kid, on that family, he's just lost his parents a few years ago, living with his aunt and uncle."

"Why does she take care of him? Does she know them?"

"She used to have her own apartment, she lived with Coulson, right opposite them while doing her training. Coulson was a family friend of the dad, he did some science work for SHIELD way back when. He introduced her to their family, I think she felt sorry for him. I asked her about it once, asked her why she took care of this kid, and she said to me, 'I know what it's like to grow up with no parents, no family, I want to give him the best life he can have'."

"She's a good kid," Steve says, watching her carefully as she looks down at the floor, arms crossed over her chest, "She'll come back."

Nat sighs, "That's the thing, Rogers, she's been trying to escape her mind for so long, maybe she's finally done it, maybe she's never coming back."

i know it's for the better | MCUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang