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Patrick stands in her uniform, a black catsuit similar to the one Natasha usually wears that is wrapped around her waist, a white tank top and a brown leather jacket over the top.

There's a cut above her eye brow from her tussle with Loki and she sits annoyed beside Hill as she watches the others filter into the helicarrier.

"Doctor. Thank you for coming." Fury says reaching for Doctor Banner's hand and shaking it with a firm grip.

Banner nods but continues to look around the Helicarrier as Steve shoves his hands into his pockets and looks around.

"Anything yet?"

"No," Patrick sighs as she gets to her feet, "He has some of our best agents, they know how we work. We need a new work ethic. We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones, laptops, if it's connected to a satellite its eyes and ears for us."

Seeing Steve and Banner's looks of confusion of the new voice she introduces herself, "Agent Volkova."

"Little young?"

"Old enough." She says not sparing him a glance as she makes her way towards a computer screen she sees Nat looking at, jumping down the ledge separating the computers she peers over the agent's shoulder to look at the image of Clint.

She sighs seeing that there's nothing yet. "That's still not going to find them in time. We need to run a faster server, have you connected to-"

"We've connected to every server available, Agent Volkova," The agent at the computer tells her, he's experienced her lack of patience first hand, he knows how annoying she can be when things aren't going fast enough, "We're even using servers belonging to the pentagon."

"That's not enough, and the other guy, the slightly good looking one with the deep eyes, are you looking for him?"

"Uh..." The man looks over her head towards Coulson who simply shrugs, "No?"

"Then why don't you wise up, start up another programme and search for him too." He stares blankly at her for a few moments, "Now!"

"We're doing everything we can, Agent Volkova." The man sits beside her and sighs.

"You're not doing enough. Clint is out there somewhere. Search harder." She orders.

"Volkova." Fury says firmly, making her sigh and step back, she leans against the desk behind her squeezing her eyes shut tightly and shaking her head.

"Stop." He demands sternly.

"You have to narrow your field. How many spectrometers do you have access to?" Bruce asks.

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