Chapter Six

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"So you're telling me that you guys have look a likes?" I ask my boyfriend incredulously who nods his head sheepishly.

"And how long have you had these look a likes?" Samaa asks as we all walk back to our cars. The boys all share looks before Liam sighs, "Since the incident when you two first got shot. We thought that we needed them for emergencies."

Samaa glances at me in disbelief before nodding, "Okay, fine, but why didn't you just tell us before?"

"We knew you guys were a bit sensitive so we didn't want you guys to go over the board with any misunderstandings." Zayn says unsurely watching Samaa's blank expression carefully. Much to the boys's surprise, I shrug and respond, "Yeah, I get you. We were undeniably fragile back then. Anything could have happened."

"Y-yeah, exactly." Louis stutters as he agrees. Samaa shrugs before climbing into the car just as my phone beeps. Samaa's eyes meet mine in panic as she freezes halfway, my hands trembling as I swipe open to see the message.

Look-a-likes? Doppelgangers? Eh, they are all the same. They are liars. Just like you. Watch your pants, hope they don't catch on fire.

Yours truly, J

"Who messaged you?" Liam asks curiously as he tries to peer over my shoulder but I jump out of his gaze and shrug, "Wrong number."

"O-okay." He mutters as he glances at me in uncertainty. Flashing a quick smile, I suggest, "Uh why don't you guys go on ahead? Samaa and I have a few errands to run. We will see you at home. Love you!" 

Shoving Samaa into the car, I run around to the drivers side and start the car. The boys look at us in confusion as we wave goodbye and swerve onto the highway on max speed. Samaa quickly whips out her phone and calls Aliza and Jay.

"Meet us at the coffee shop, ASAP." Samaa demands before hanging up the phone call and turning to me, "Was it J?"

"Yeah, it was. It could be Jasmine, but I'm not so sure. She's still locked up." I say as we pull into a parking space in front of the small, cute coffee shop. It was decorated in an anime type scene. Originally it was called a tea house, but I guess coffee shop is just stuck in our heads. Sailor Moon's booth is the one we always sit at. Taking my scarf and wrapping it around my head, I slip on my shades. Samaa just does a hijab before adding shades. Looking each other over, we step into the bright day to figure out what was going on.

The lads and I all sit around trying to figure out what the girls were worried about. We could sense something was wrong in the way they just got up and vanished. Aiden stands successfully before waddling over to me. He steadies himself by grasping my knees with his tiny, chubby hands. The little knuckles turning white in concentration. His hazel brown eyes glance up at me in curiosity. The soft tussle of hair on his head was slicked back to some style similar to mine back in 2011. 

"Hey, little man. Where's your sisters?" I ask softly and he just continues staring at me before squealing in delight. Liam nods over to the doorway where Amelia and Aaliyah stood hiding, their little curious eyes peering out through the doorway. As I catch Amelia's eyes, she smiles and hesitantly jumps over to me. I notice as Aiden moves slightly away to make room for his sister. Even as little babies, they are closer than ever. 

"Do you guys think that something is up? Like someone is onto them?" Liam asks after a while of silence. We all glance at each other as we consider it, "But they would tell us right?"

"Well, I don't know, remember how they are. Self-less." Harry answers Niall's question as Louis agrees. We continue to ponder before hearing a wail. Frantically, Louis rushes into the hall before bursting into laughter, "Oh boy, your mother is going to kill me."

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