Wrong Way

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•My father broke my heart before any boy had the

The sun was out, and it was a pretty decent day. I still lay in bed, staring at that stupid wall.
I felt bad for snapping at Jason, and I felt bad for judging his life. I caught sight of my nails, which once were long and healthy, but now they had been chewed almost all the way off. Mom hadn't made an appearance these past few days either, but I can only imagine the bags under her eyes.

As if on cue, the floorboards creaked, and I turned to face my mother. My breath hitched at the paleness of her skin, her eyes did have bags underneath them, and she was skin and bones.

"Mom." I croaked out, she shook her head.

"I didn't come up here to grieve. I want you to go out." I almost burst out into fits of insane laughter,but the blank expression on her face told me she wasn't joking.

"Mom. Why?" She frowned, she still didn't look at me. Was she afraid? Do I remind her of him?

"Because you haven't left this house since...." She paused, and took a deep breath. "You haven't gone anywhere. It isn't healthy."

I wanted to hold her, to tell her it's okay, and to reassure her that we were going to be alright. I bit my tongue, I was afraid if I spoke that I'd break her....

"And by the way, that boy called."
My heart hammered against my chest, Jason called. Suddenly remembering our last meeting, I almost slapped myself. I have to appoligize!
What for? He's just your typical everyday ass.
I pushed that thought away, I had flipped out, and overreacted.

Mom continued. "His address is on the answering machine. I figured you'd at least want to see him. Or talk to him." She finally met my eyes, and what I saw would have knocked me on my ass if I wasn't already sitting. How could I not have noticed! Her right eye was black, not just black, but black and blue. Oh my god..

"No! Don't touch me! Just get out!" She screamed, and my voice somehow vanished.
My mom never, never yelled at me. Tears threatened my vision but I blinked them away. She broke our eye contact, searching through her black purse, and pulling out a twenty.

"Go. Get out." I watched her leave, dragging myself from my bed I walked to the mirror. My hair was tangled in knots, hanging to my waist, people always told me they envied my hair, but I hated it.

You kept it long only because your father liked it that way...
A voice whispered in the back of my mind. Tears brimmed my eyes.
Quit being weak, you're a fighter.
I glanced from the mirror, and caught sight of a pair of red handled scissors.
You wouldn't dare the voice hissed.
Oh yes I would. I snatched the scissors, grabbing a good chunk of hair, and snipping it just below my ears.
Stop! My head screamed at me, but I disobeyed. Finally I felt something besides pain. Grabbing another section, I did just the same, and I didn't stop. Hair covered my carpet, and the best part was it used to be my hair.
Smiling, I searched through my closet, grabbing my fathers old leather jacket, I slipped in on.
I'm done hiding, today will be mine.
I shed my sweats, slipping on a pair of skinny jeans.
Rummaging through my drawers I found some lip gloss, eyeliner.
You should be studying, the voice whispered.
Guilt tried to be felt, but I wasn't having none of it.
Heading downstairs, I walked pasted the answering machine, and paused.
Fuck him. I slammed the door behind me.


"Dude this party is gonna rock!" Kailey squealed, trying to literally slide into my lap. I smiled at her.
"I know baby." I mumbled against her neck, trying to ignore her spray on tan.

"Will you drive me Jasyyyy."
I almost rolled my eyes, I mean Jasy? Seriously? Instead I returned her "affectionate" gesture.

"Of course KayKay." This made her giggle. I glanced around and people started to stare. I mean she was on-top of me at Dairy Queen. I faked a cough and slid her away. Of course she protested.

"Wha- why did you do that." Her eyes were stone now, and her voice? Let's just say I'm not Jaky anymore.

"Babe I think I'm getting a cold. That's all." Her eyes narrowed for a moment. Maybe she was debating on forgiving, believing, dating me? I don't know.
My phone beeped.

Daniel: Hey, you coming t'night?

Me: duh, I can't miss out.

Dan: Great, dude there's this girl here. she hott. All over the place.

Me:description? (;

Dan: uh, short dark brown hair. Leather jacket, skinny jeans, black flats, and a tanktop.

Me; sneak a pic man!

My heart sank at the image on the screen. She was standing on a table, with dozens of men around her.
Lucy was standing on a table... Obviously drunk.
Oh shit...
I jumped up, and smashed my knee off the table.
Fuck damn fuck.
"What's wrong baby!" Kailey coed

"Fuck off." I snapped at her. She put on a fake hurt expression, her lip actually quivered.

"Bab-" she started again.

"I'm not your baby. I won't ever be." People were really staring at us now, some even had their phones on us. Kailey wasn't giving up.

"Your breaking up with me! " she shrieked. "You can't break up with me, with Kailey! I break hearts, not get dumped!" Her face was red now, and there was no sign of hurt anywhere on her face.

"Guess what bitch, you're wrong! Now move I don't have time for this!" I brushed past her , and out the door. Leaving poor poor Kailey to grieve.

Hang in there Lucy, I'm coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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