Chapter 11: A Letter

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Jean and Diluc snuggled together for a while on the couch until the maid rushed over to them and said:

- Grand Master Jean, you have mail.

The maid then gave Jean a letter. Jean flipped the letter over to see who it was from, and saw it was from Lumine! Jean opened the letter, and started reading it out loud so Diluc can hear.

- Dear Grand Master Jean,
Lumine here. I wanted to thank you for all your help and the effort you spent on trying to find my brother. Oh right and how is it going with you and Diluc? (Jean lowered her voice in embarrasment) I hope you two are doing well. Unfortunately, I have some news. I have found my brother! You might ask why it is 'unfortunate'. Well, it will be unfrotunate for you. I am sorry to say that... my brother was the leader of the Abyss Order, and I am going to join him.

Jean stopped reading. Her eyes widened in shock. And so did Diluc's.

- Lumine's brother was the leader of that crappy orginization?! AND NOW LUMINE IS JOINING HIM?!

Diluc raised his voice. Jean didn't tell Diluc to calm down. She was as mad and as shocked as he was. Jean then had the courage to continue reading:

- Just to give you a heads up, we, meaning the Abyss Order, me and my brother, will be taking over Teyvat. We are starting with Shneznaya, then shifting to Sumeru, then Inazuma, then Liyue, and so on. Since I feel bad for you and Monstadt, me and my brother will attack Monstadt last. 



Jean folded the letter, and stared at Diluc, who was shook. 

- W-We have to help the other regions...

Jean said, stammering. Diluc nodded and carried Jean upstairs to bed.

- We will help the other regions, but first, you need some rest.

- No I don't! I'm healed!

Jean tried to get up, but then groaned in pain loudly. She fell backwards and panted. Diluc gave her a worried look, then kissed her forehead.

- Please get some rest...

Diluc said. Jean couldn't say no. So she did get some more rest. She slept that whole day, skipping dinner. The next morning, she woke up with Diluc lying next to her, still asleep. Jean stared at him. He looked so calm and peaceful...not to mention extremely handsome. Jean blushed a bit, then sat up. Jean wanted to try standing up again. She stood up, closing her eyes in case she feels pain. But she felt no pain at all. Jean opened her eyes slowly, and see that she was actually standing! She tried taking a step, and she realized could walk normally again! Jean cracked a smile, and started walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth, comb her hair, and all that kind of stuff. Then, she felt someone hugging her from behind. She glanced back, and it was Diluc. 

- You can walk now.

Diluc said, with a little smile on his face. Jean grinned and kissed him passionately. 

- And I am not sick anymore too.

Jean told Diluc. The two went down for breakfast, and Jean suddenly remembered something. Her smile turned into a frown. Diluc saw the change and asked:

- Is something wrong...?

- The letter...The regions...Lumine...

Jean stood still as a statue.

- We need to help them now! Lumine probably already attacked Shneznaya already! 

Diluc sighed and grabbed Jean's waist.

- Stop freaking out, Jean.

Jean took deep breaths, then said calmly:

- Could we go to Sumeru and warn them today?

- What?

- Please-?

Jean begged. Diluc hugged Jean and replied:

- Fine. But only for your happiness.

Jean smiled, then went to pack, since they would need somewhere to stay in Sumeru after all. After she was done packing, she decided to pack for Diluc as well. When she was done with everything, she heard Diluc come in.

- Jean? What are you doing?

- I finished packing our clothes.

- Our-?

- Yes our.

Diluc stared at Jean, but then took his suitcase. 

- I am guessing you want to go right now?

Jean nodded, and the two took off.

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