Chapter 6: Liyue and Other Regions

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Jean decided to take a day off since Diluc was begging her to. So Jean went down to the kitchen (she needed guidance) and cooked breakfast for her and Diluc. Right after she finished cooking, Diluc wobbled downstairs and gripped her waist.

- Diluc- sit down and eat.

Diluc didn't answer. Jean sighed and removed his hands from her waist and gestured him to sit down. Diluc sat down and started to eat. Jean sat down next to him and she burned her tongue while eating bacon.

- Ow!

Jean cried when the bacon touched her tongue. Diluc immediately snapped out of his sleepiness and asked if she was okay. Jean nodded and told Diluc it was just a tongue burn. Diluc calmed down and continued eating. After both of them were finished, Diluc volunteered to wash the dishes since Jean cooked. Jean had no choice but to let him wash the dishes. Jean sat down on the couch and pulled out a book she brought with her. As Jean was reading, she could hear 'clangs' and 'clings' coming from the kitchen. Jean was starting to get worried about if Diluc had broken any dishes- So she walked into the see a total mess.

- Diluc! What did you do?!

Jean shouted, looking at the wet floor and one broken glass. 

- U-um... I'm sorry!

Diluc stuttered. Jean let out an angry sigh and started to clean up, but when she tried to clean up the broken glass, she cut herself.

- Ow! I'm bleeding...

Jean said. Diluc rushed over to her side and bandaged her finger. 

- Let me do the cleaning for you.

Jean looked at him. He sighed in disappointment, but then backed out for Jean to clean. After cleaning, Jean walked over to Diluc, who was sitting on the couch and covering his face with his hands. 

- Hey... It's alright. It's not your fault.

Diluc uncovered his face to reveal a red-faced person. Jean kissed Diluc on the cheek and snuggled into him. Jean wrapped her arms around his waist and closed her eyes. Diluc looked at Jean and leaned his head onto her. 

- Diluc... Do you wanna do something?

Diluc looked at Jean and nodded. 

- Hmm... Do you want to take a walk maybe?

Diluc smiled warmly and took Jean's hand. He escorted her to the front door of the mansion, and they both exited the Dawn Winery. While they were walking, they bumped into Lumine. Lumine greeted them and asked them how she could go to Liyue.

- Liyue?

Diluc asked, confused. Lumine nodded and explained why she was going to Liyue. It was because she needed to continue her journey of finding her brother, and that she already looked eveywhere in Monstadt, and found no trace of him. Jean and Diluc were both very sad about Lumine's departure. But they had to accept it. The only reason Lumine was in Teyvat in the first place was because she needed to find her brother, who was captured by the 'Unknown God'. Jean and Diluc said that she could walk there, but it will take a long time. Diluc then gave Lumine a map, and then Lumine hugged him. Jean was slightly mad when Lumine was gripping Diluc tight. But she convinced herself to let Lumine enjoy his company while it lasts. Then, Lumine hugged Jean. And Jean felt like Lumine was hugging her even tighter than she hugged Diluc. She then heard Lumine whisper in her ear:

- Good luck with Diluc.

Jean blushed. Jean smiled warmly at Lumine, and said her goodbyes. So did Diluc. They both gave her parting gifts, and then Lumine took off on her journey to Liyue, leaving Jean and Diluc alone.

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