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"That's...it?" Echo said dubiously, frowning slightly at what he ordered. It was just the biggest box of fries he could order, along with a specially requested bowl of milk for Dawn. Dawn was on the seat of the booth beside him licking it up, Gon slowly tasted one. So...salty. He liked it. Echo had ordered a large burger, some chicken nuggets, and a chocolate shake. Silva got something called a 'happy meal' which was a box with a whole bunch of stuff in it. "Yeah" He said, smiling a little as he bit into another. "Oh come on! There's so much stuff! And Silva's paying, buy as much as you want" She said the last part with a cheeky grin. Silva rolled her eyes. "I already spent about 35 bucks on this. His order only costed 3.25" Gon kept eating, but finished before the other two were even halfway done. "That was so small! Here, have this" Echo said, before shoving a chicken nugget in his mouth. His eyes widened as the scent filled his nose. The scent of rotting flesh. He spat it out, images of the bodies flashing as he coughed and his covered his nose in an attempt to block out the smell.

"Mrrow!" Dawn leapt on his shoulder and rubbed on his cheek with her head, Echo's eyes widened in alarm. "Ah! I'm sorry, are you allergic or something?" Silva elbowed her in the side. "Nice going dumbass" Gon coughed a few more times, then Echo held out her shake with an apologetic expression and Gon moved his hands to take a deep sniff and sip of that chocolate shake. His fake expression had fallen, Gon slid the shake back over and looked down. "I-I'm sorry" Echo said, "Are you alright?" Gon nodded, then replied in monotone. "I don't..." He trailed off for a moment. "I can't stand the smell..." He mumbled. Echo blinked. "of...chicken nuggets?" Silva sighed heavily. "I think he's trying to say that he's a vegetarian. Have you ever seen him eat anything with meat in it?" Echo gasped. "Ahh! I'm so sorry!" Gon smiled up at her, "It's alright, you were just trying to be nice" She looked down with a bite of her lip and Gon put a hand on hers. She glanced up with a slightly started expression. He smiled a little brighter. "I forgive you"

The trio ate in silence for a while, Silva ordered some more fries so Gon wouldn't be sitting there bored and hungry. A few minutes later, there was a voice. "Alright, here's your order- Gon!?" All three of them looked up, Gon blinked in surprise at the pale blue hair and black eyes. "Shim, long time no see" He said pleasantly. She blinked and handed him his fries. "You...have emotions now?" He shook his head. "Practicing so I can go to school" Echo narrowed her eyes slightly. "Who's she?" Shim glanced over at the other two, then smiled nervously. "O-Oh, I'm Shim. I met Gon when..." She trailed off, so Gon continued. "She came over to my house to seal a scent into some shirts for me" Both Silva and Echo looked extremely confused, so Shim decided to rephrase it. "I got a call from the police station saying I had to go over to some guy's house because of my quirk. Turns out I just needed to seal the scent of a person into some shirts and I got payed" She said with a shy smile.

Gon smiled at her. "The aftereffects faded right?" Honestly he was still kind of worried for some reason. She smiled back over at Gon. "Oh yeah. It was sweet of you by the way, to stay with me until I woke up" Gon was glad that encounter had happened, he slept in Killua's old shirts every night. "Ah, here's your fries" She said, handing Gon another large order. He gave her one last smile, then bit into a few as she walked away. "Shirts?" Echo questioned curiously. Gon nodded and reached into his bag, Gon had taken to bringing it with him everywhere. His fishing rod was at the apartment, but he had brought the shirts with him in the bag just in case he got teleported anywhere like last time. Gon slipped the navy and white shirts out, then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply as he held them up to his nose. Killua's scent flooded his nose, it brought both comfort and pain. "Mrrr" Dawn rumbled, he slid them back into his backpack and continued to eat in silence.

About 5 minutes of silence later, Echo decided to break it. "So, who exactly is this 'Mr. Aizawa' person your living with?" She asked curiously. He blinked, then swallowed a fry before speaking. "Well he goes to U.A, he's also a pro hero." Echo's eyes gleamed, Silva rolled her eyes. "Doesn't look like one" Echo shoved her shoulder and looked at him eagerly. "Really? Which one?" He ate some more fries before speaking. "Eraserhead" Echo frowned slightly, as if confused. "I've never heard of that one before" Gon shrugged, but Silva's eyebrows raised. "He's an underground hero, can erase quirks by looking at people." She leaned her elbows on the table with an intrigued expression. "One of my favorites" Echo rubbed the back of her head. "Oh right, you mentioned that before." Then she beamed. "My favorite hero is Ryukyu, she's that one who can turn into a dragon!" Then she poked at Gon. "What's yours?" Oh, I don't have one. "I actually don't have one" He responded, and the other two looked slightly confused. "Really?" Silva said. "Is it because there's so many you can't choose?" Echo questioned. Gon shrugged, munching on some more fries. "I just...don't really have a favorite. I guess"

Before the other two could answer, Gon caught a scent. It was the scent, of blood. He froze, then instantly turned on En. "Gon? What's the matter?" Echo asked in slight concern. Gon didn't answer, he was trying to figure out where the blood scent was coming from. Mr. Aizawa was still in his chair, there were a bunch of people at tables all around. Then, he extended his En fully and glanced over at one of the kitchens. There was nobody in that one except for a single person. On the floor. Dead or close? He heard Echo call his name again, but Gon didn't listen. Instead he stood up and walked over to the 'employee only' door. "What are you doing?" Silva hissed, grabbing his arm. Dawn made no noises, just stayed peacefully snuggled into his chest. The blood scent was stronger. An employee shoved him back, crossing her arms. It was the same employee that had tried to get he and Dawn to leave the restaurant. "Look kid, this is-" he shoved her out of the way, the rest of the room was staring at him and he quickly opened the door in one hand and half ran to where he sensed the person on the floor.

"HEY KID! GET BACK HERE!" Silva didn't follow, but Echo did. They turned the corner, then Echo gasped when they came across the scene. "Oh my god!" There was a woman lying on the ground, a deep stab wound in her chest and the knife in her own hand. Gon knelt down, Echo was frozen currently. When he went to sniff the knife, he sensed the woman coming in after them. He instantly realized two things. The rude employee's scent was on the knife, and she had another one. Aizawa turned the corner just as Gon dropped Dawn and rammed into her, his fake emotions melting and revealing his emotionless state. "What the hell brat!" She shouted, the knife dematerialized almost instantly. He wrenched her arms behind her back effortlessly and a few moments later Aizawa's scarf wrapped around both him and the employee. "What's going on here?" He said, in a tired and irritated voice. Echo pointed frantically at the dying but not dead woman. "We need an ambulance! He just came in here and found her here!" His eyes snapped up, then Aizawa quickly dialed a number. 5 words and 10 seconds later, two people in hero suits ran in and quickly started checking vitals and patching her up.

The woman's eyes shot wide, and she started speaking. "This kid just jumped me out of nowhere!" Aizawa raised an eyebrow at him, so he pointed to the woman. "Her scent was on the knife" Echo, the employee, and Aizawa all froze. He met Aizawa's eyes. "She had another, was about to stab Echo from behind. So I stopped her" Dawn rubbed against his legs. Aizawa's eyes narrowed, then his eyes burned red and his hair lifted. A knife materialized into her hands, and she sweatdropped. Aizawa grinned, then the woman dropped her head "I..." The knife fell with a clatter. "alright I did it" Echo looked at him with half terrified half awestruck eyes. The two medics ceased their work, the woman on the floor opened her eyes and then gasped. She was about to speak when Aizawa did for her. "Your under arrest for attempted murder"

Some more people came in and out, Gon just lifted Dawn into his arms and ignored all the commotion. That was, until a hand dropped on his shoulder. "Freeces" He glanced up, only to see Aizawa, Echo, Silva, and someone he didn't recognize looking at him. He was a tall male with a kind face and a hat. "Oh" He quickly put on his small fake smile, Aizawa sighed. "Tsukauchi has a few questions for you, keep in mind he can tell lies from truth" Gon faked an intrigued expression, the man named 'Tsukauchi' frowned slightly in confusion. "How do you go from emotionless to having emotions in less than a second?" Aizawa huffed. "Not part of the interview. I'm telling you we don't even need it in the first place-", "it's fake" Gon responded, Tsukauchi blinked. "wh-" Aizawa spoke over him with a slight glare. "I said you could ask him questions about the incident, not about his personal interests and issues"

Tsukauchi took the hint, then smiled again. "Alright. Why exactly did you come into this room?" Echo and Silva were both curious as well. "I smelled blood when I was sitting at the booth, it was coming from here" He explained. Tsukauchi nodded. "Alright, now we just need to confirm this. How did you know that woman was guilty?" He shifted Dawn a little in his arms with a smile. "The knife was in the victim's hands. It was meant to look like suicide, but that same employee tried to block me from entering and had a knife in her hand when she came after us. Plus the knife in the victim's hands had her scent on it " Tsukauchi's eyebrows raised slightly, Silva and Echo were listening with curiosity. He remembered her trying to force them out because of Dawn earlier. "A few minutes before she had tried to make me leave the store because Dawn wasn't a 'certified therapy animal', a certified therapy animal wouldn't leave their owner's side even if they smelled blood or danger. It also explains why she was instantly startled when Mr. Aizawa activated his quirk and she realized he was a pro hero"

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To be continued...

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