Chapter 31-ArcticCumbermonkey

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#Dear Me



What advice would you give your younger self?

#Dear Me

Forget what everyone else thinks. You won't believe me, but one day in your near future you will find the confidence to stand up to them. Once you do, your life will be so much easier, and you'll find that you can stand up for others too and make more friends. It will make you feel amazing. All those horrible people will just leave you alone, they were just jealous.

 Now, while we're on the friend front, be friends with who make you happy, not someone who uses you for your own happiness. Remember those nice people that were friends with you once, or those people that you stood up for? Yeah, well now they are your best friends not 'her'. You know who I am talking about.

Life will also be easier once you get over that crush. It's hard I know, but there is not chance in hell he likes you. Find something more important to focus on. Crushing on a teacher is not cool!

Remember to do what makes you happy and be who you want to be, not what others want you to be. I learnt that the hard way. Don't let others tell you that what you want to do in the future isn't good enough. Believe me, I want it more than ever now.

Live life to the fullest :)

#Dear Me - What advice would YOU give your younger self?

Well, this may be strange to everyone, but this is #Dear Me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember to follow me, like and comment below if you like to join this book. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you later!!!

Rember to follow @ArcticCumberMonkey

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