Gina Linetti part one

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At the 99th precinct

H- attention detectives we have a new detective joining our precinct from the 98th precinct, she is there best detective most arrests, works hard an model cop and I'm aware that peralta knows her
G- Jake surprise...
J- it can't be
You walk in
U- hi I'm detective y/l/n
J- y/n!
U- jakey!
He runs and hugs you
T- how do you know each other
J- well Sarge me her and Gina have been best friends since childhood and she's ginas—
G- Jake!
J- right...
A- Gina's what
U- it's nothing you need to be concerned about
H- well introduce yourselves detectives
A- Amy Santiago
U- Jakes girl I know Jake how the hell did you pull her? I mean look at her and look at you
Gina laughs
A- believe me I'm surprised but I love him
J- I'm offended y/n
R- Rosa Diaz
Hi- Hitchcock
Sc- scully
G- you two keep away from her!
U- Gina you have told me about them I'll make sure they stay away
G- good
B- Charles Boyle
T- Sargent terry jeffords
U- nice to meet you all
H- your desk will be opposite to Diaz
U- ok sir
H- jeffords will hand out cases, dismissed
G- wait I wanna say something
H- ok?
G- if anyone hurts or stares at y/n to make her feel unwelcome and uncomfortable I will kill you
U- Gina hun you don't need to make threats
G- I know but they need to know they can't—
U- Gina I know, I can take care of myself ok?
G- I know
H- get to work
You walk out of the meeting room and get to work
T- y/n you are lead on the new murder and peralta and Diaz will accompany you
U- yes sir
U- Jake, Diaz let's go
G- be careful
U- always am
G- that's what I'm worried about
U- funny
You Jake and Rosa leave
A- Gina?
G- mhm
A- why do you care about y/n so much
G- cause I've known her my whole life now leave me be
A- but you have known Jake the same and you seem to care about y/n a lot more and she calls you hun, you listen to her, your protective of her—
G- can you stop asking me about her just ask her the questions
A- but—
G- you know if you were a good detective you would of figured it out by now
A- I am a good detective
G- your boring me bye
Back to you Jake and Rosa
U- seems that he was stabbed in the hand at first on the kitchen table with the knife in the sink so I need fingerprints from all the knives in this house that can fit perfectly into the space in the mans hand, then the victim and murderer moved to the living room where he was stabbed three times into his stomach then slit his throat and he fell dead here. Diaz get trusted uniformed officers to do door duty to see if they saw or heard anything or anyone. No forced entry so most likely the wife did it or someone who had a key to the apartment, so I need the original key to this place and see how many copies have been made and a list of the suspects so start of with the wife for interrogation then the landlord and anyone else who has a key and get them to the precinct for questioning and peralta talk to the ME on what they think if they were also poisoned or anything else like that and don't sleep with one of them again
J- you heard about that
U- what can I say my wife gossips
J- true are you gonna tell anyone
U- not until she's ready to come out
J- I love your relationship together
U- I know now let's get back to the precinct so we can start questioning
R- so we have 2 knives that fit your description, there are getting checked for prints, the wife and landlords are on their way to the precinct and uniform officers are doing door duty now.
U- thank you Diaz can you question the landlord and I'll question the wife
R- yup
J- lets go back to the precinct
You get back to the precinct
H- detectives how was the first case
U- I'm close to cracking it sir
H- so fast?
U- yes sir, I've got 2 suspects in questioning 2 possible murder weapons and more possible suspects when I get the results I need
H- well then get back to work
Holt goes to his office
A- hey how's the murder
U- almost solved
A- wait really
R- yeh she's an amazing detective
U- thanks Diaz
G- y/n come here
U- sorry I'm gonna see what she wants
You go over to Gina
A- what's with y/n and Gina
J- what—nothing nothing is going on
A- are your sure
J- yes it's all cool cool no doubt cool cool cool cool cool no doubt cool cool
R- what do you know
J- I can't say!
Back to you
U- hey Gina what's up
G- how's your first day going
U- alright almost solved a murder after a couple of hours just got to question some people then that case should be closed
G- that's my girl
You smile and blush a bit
U- how's floorgasm going
G- yea we have a finished routine I'll show you tonight what it is
U- can't wait I'm sure it will be the best one yet, well as much as I want to stay here and talk to my gorgeous wife I have to go to questioning
G- ok I'll text you in a minute love you
U- can't wait love you too
You go to questioning
B- what is going on between you too
G- nothing why
B- I'm your brother you can tell me and you can't deny there's a spark
G- if I tell you you will blab it to everyone
B- so there is something
G- I didn't say that get back to work
In the interrogation room
U- so how are you the death of your husband must be traumatic
Wife- yes it is
U- but I don't see you crying if I found my wife dead in the morning I would be crying for months so why aren't you
Wife- I don't cry
U- neither do I, let me ask you this do you love your late husband
Wife- y-yes of course
U- see the thing is I don't believe you, your eyes twitched and your nose slightly crinkled and you lost eye contact with me so your lying did you kill your husband
Wife- no
U- did you kill your husband
Wife- no
U- did you kill your husband?!
Wife- YES! Yes I killed him but you have to believe me he was horrible, disgusting I couldn't handle being there any longer! I love my landlord we did it together
U- sorry but it's still murder
Wife- take me I'm just glad that bastard is gone
You arrest her and put her in holding until we get transport for both of them, you finish your paperwork and sign it off
U- sir?
H- yes detective
U- I've solved the murder and filed the report it was both the landlord and the wife
H- really? Already it usually takes a longer time to catch the culprit
U- I work fast sir I want to get the work done and it was an easy murder case
H- well then wait till your shift is over help other detectives and one last thing
U- yes sir
H- well done great work
U- thank you sir
You walk out of holts office
G- hey how's the case
U- solved and they are on the way to jail
G- that's great no wonder you got most arrests and the best detective
U- yep but don't tell Jake that
A- y/n is it true you completed a murder in under a day
U- yes Santiago
A- wow I mean wow, how?
U- I got the work done with no distractions
A- well that's great
R- y/l/n
U- Diaz
R- I was watching your interrogation
U- ok?
R- emotional connections for a way to get your confession smart
U- thanks
R- and is it true your married
U- uhhh
J- wait you told them your married to—
U- not to whom Jake so keep your mouth shut and yes I am happily married
T- to who
U- not saying who she is
All- she?
U- I did say wife in the interrogation and I have a bi pride flag on my desk I thought it was obvious
G- I noticed pretty easily and I know you my whole life so I already knew but that's not the point... damn you are all detectives and both times with holt and y/n you didn't realise they were gay and bi.
J- I knew
U- you were at my wedding of course you knew
J- ohh yeaaa
H- attention detectives, there is a party I am hosting at my house tomorrow at 7 I hope you can all make it, dress nicely and have a good time hope to see you all there
A- can we meet your wife tomorrow at holts party
U- no
T- why? Aren't you coming
U- i am it's just your not meeting her, Gina let's go it's the end of our shift and you need a ride
G- ok let's get out of here bitches
U- Gina it's just us not them
G- right... peace out bitches
You laugh, you go to yours and Gina's apartment, you watch her dancing, you know she's bad but you say she's amazing cause in your eyes she is, you watch tv and you go to bed

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