Hayley Dunphy

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You are going to your girlfriends grandpas house to hang out, her family doesn't know that she likes girls, even though she knows her family will accept her she's still scared to tell them, she's snuck you in her house all the time when she isn't at yours. Today she has invited you to come with her to a family party and she's gonna come out then hopefully. Right now you are driving to her grandpas house where the family party is, you get there and you can see Hayley is nervous.
U- hey love are you alright
H- just nervous
U- you don't have to tell them yet if you don't want to we can turn around
H- no no it's fine I want to do this
U- ok ready?
H- as ready as I'll ever be
You kiss her
U- ok let's get out we don't want to be late
You both get out of the car and knock on the door and Gloria and Jay opens
J- ahh Hayley so glad that you finally made it
G- who's this beautiful young lady
U- I'm y/n nice to meet you both
H- she's my...she's my...friend
G- well come in come in
You both walk in
C- hello Hayley who's this
P- hello Phil dumphy pleasure to meet you
U- hi I'm y/n pleasure to meet you too
H- she's a close friend of mine
She introduces you to her family as her 'friend' or 'close friend'
L- so y/n do you have a boyfriend
U- eww no never
L- huh
U- oh I'm a lesbian
L- bummer
A- really luke she just got here and you're asking her out
G- so any girlfriend ?
U- yes
A- who is it
U- I don't think she's ready to tell anyone
M- why's that
U- every person in the closet always has a fear of their family and friends not accepting them and I'm not going to push her or out her to people even though her family will accept it
Mitchell- I get that
Cam- same here it's so very hard coming out you know when I came out to my—
J- not now cam
A- so Hayley what is it that you wanted to tell us
H- oh-um I'll tell you all later
You can see that she is nervous so you interlock your fingers in hers and give her a reassuring smile and it calms her down, everyone notices but doesn't say anything
P- so how's Dillon I've not seen him in a while
H- how would I know I'm not dating him
C- YES FINALLY! Oh umm I mean I'm so sorry sweetie are you ok
H- actually never better
C- so you won't get back together
H- oh no I've found someone better for me and they aren't like Dillon
M- wait what who is he
Everyone starts bombarding her with questions, she gets stressed and walks out
G- I'll go check on her
U- no no it's ok I'll go check on her, sensory overload and anxiety with her has happened before I'm going to make sure she's ok
You leave
A- she has anxiety? Since when?
C- she never is anxious with us
M- she probably is but just hides it
J- she'll be alright, y/n seems to make sure of that
Cam- so who do you think is hayleys secret boyfriend
They all start speculating on who it is
G- maybe y/n is her new lover, I mean have you seen the way they look at each other, and how calm and comfortable Hayley is around her I know I haven't known her since she was born but anyone can see it
Mitchell- y/n was saying that her girlfriend is scared to come out so it does make sense
C- lets go find and watch what they'll do
They go to find you. You and Hayley are in the garage trying to calm her down
U- babe you'll be ok, it'll be ok follow and listen to my breathing
She does
U- there you go you're doing better already
H- I'm sorry... I'm sorry
She starts crying
U- hey hey look at me
She does
U- there's nothing to be sorry about love, me and no one else can force you to come out, you feeling anxious is normal but this way I'm right beside you helping you through it
H- I love you
U- I love you too
She kisses you
U- are you feeling any better?
H- a bit can you just stay here with me for a while
U- of course anything for you
You kiss her forehead and you let her cuddle up to you
U- like I said before you don't have to do it today no one is forcing you, your family will accept you and unlike mine, they will be supportive and happy about it
H- I know that it's still just hard, they have seen me like I'm a hoe, the only other committed relationship I've had with Dillon, they didn't like him apart from my dad I just don't want that to happen to you
U- I don't care if they like me or not as long as I'm with you I'll be happy and we'd be ok
She kisses you
U- what's that for
H- for understanding
U- anytime
L- wow Hayley I've never seen you like this with anyone
H- LUKE?! Please tell me you're the only one here
The rest of her family come out of hiding
A- wow Hayley you're really in love
C- she's right Hayley
She gets even more embarrassed and digs her head into your neck
Mitchell- you know I've always wondered if you liked girls I guess I was right
L- no you haven't dad I said it once cause I saw Hayley staring at a girl but you said that she's only looking at her clothes and probably judging her outfit
H- I don't do that
U- Hayley you do you did that to me before we started dating
H- you're supposed to be on my side
U- I always am but when I know that it happens and you've done it to me I'll have to disagree with you
L- are we not gonna talk about y/n and Hayley and sit in here or??
G- lets go back inside huh?
Everyone including you and Hayley go inside and you all sit in there original seats, no one was saying anything and you could see Hayley was getting more anxious so you give her your hand and she holds it and plays with your rings.
C- so were you ever gonna tell us
H- I—
U- I can answer if you can't love
She nods
U- she was today but she got even more anxious when she got here
Mitchell- why didn't you tell us before y/n
U- she didn't know properly until after we started hanging out before we got together
J- why was you scared your uncle Mitchell and Cam are gay
U- even though she knows that every person wanting to come out has this fear that they won't be accepted even if they know people in the family that are gay, bi, pan etc, and when I introduced Hayley to my family, they didn't accept me and disowned me, even though I live in my own place and financially independent, it just made her worry more which was my fault cause she wanted to come to mine so she can build the courage to tell you guys
G- your family didn't except you
U- nope once they saw me kiss my ex girlfriend in high school the made me switch schools, go to a minister cause I 'sinned', wash my mouth out with soap, apologise repeatedly, and they hit me until I told them I was straight but I never did so I moved out at 18 and never saw them again unless my supportive grandma made me go to family gatherings
C- I'm so sorry
U- it's fine I got used to it
P- still shouldn't of happened
U- it's fine at least this is a better way to tell a family
H- I guess it is
You kiss her forehead
H- can we go home and watch a movie like we always do
U- I still have some work to do but that can wait until tomorrow
J- we can watch a film here if you want It'll be nice
U- if it's ok with you love, I know you love it just to be us cuddled under a blanket stuffing our faces with your favourite candy
H- it's ok it'll be nice
U- ok then a movie will be great
Al- great now as it's kind of a coming out party thing for Hayley she can choose the film
H- aww Alex how sweet let's go watch the kissing booth
U- babe we've watched that film sequel too many times
H- but I love it
She gives you puppy eyes
U- I hate your puppy eyes that I can't say no too
H- but you love me so it cancels it out and I look cute doing it
U- I know, very cute, ready to watch the kissing booth
All- yes
You all watch the kissing booth and one bye one you all say goodbye and go home

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