Chapter 7: July

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"Fine. We agree to put all the fighting and arguing off for this one day." You say. Bucky nods in agreement.

"No talking about the bet. You have one minute to do that now." Tony says.

You and Bucky turn to each other. "I'm so gonna win this." You say.

"No you're not. I'm winning right now. I'm the better ex-assassin." Bucky says.

"Aww it's cute how you think that. You made me kill the cricket that got in your room." You say.

"You make me kill the spiders." Bucky says.

"You can kill a spider, but not a cricket. How does that work?" You ask.

"Ever since you made me watch Pinocchio, I can only see Jiminy Cricket." Bucky says.

"It came out in 1940. How did you not watch it?" You ask.

"I just didn't want to." Bucky says. "But now I can't kill crickets."

"Then picture The Fox." You say. Bucky narrows his eyes at you. You mimic him.

"Alright. Minute's up." Tony says.

You and Bucky stop glaring at each other and instead start smiling. "Bipolar bitches." Tony says before walking away.

Steve walks in the room. "Happy birthday Steve." You and Bucky say in unison.

"Thank you. Happy Independence Day." Steve says.

"Steve, you're the only one who calls it that." You say softly. Bucky nods in agreement.

"Well then happy 4th of July." Steve says.

"Well, I have to go help Wanda in the kitchen before she sends Pietro to find me." You say and start walking away.

You're stopped when Pietro appears out of nowhere. You softly sigh as he picks you up bridal style and speeds away.

He makes it to the kitchen and Wanda stands there with her arms crossed. "Where have you been? I've been doing this all by myself." Wanda says.

"I'm sorry Wanda. I was preoccupied with something else." You say.

"Bucky." Wanda says.

"Stop reading my mind." You say.

"Didn't have to." Wanda says.

"How's the bet going between you and Bucky?" Pietro asks.

"We don't need to talk about it." You say.

"Bucky's winning." Wanda says. You glare at her. She smiles.

"I didn't realize you liked this holiday, since you're from a different country." You say. Wanda shrugs, "I like fireworks and food. Plus it's funny seeing how dumb Americans are."

You nod in agreement as you start helping her cook. She starts baking a cake for Steve. "Oh. How old is Steve turning?" She asks.

You and Pietro look at each other. "I don't know." You say.


"You can move things with your mind, why do Pietro and I have to carry everything?" You ask.

"It's fun watching you struggle." Wanda scrunches her nose at you and smiles.

"Whatever." You say as you roll your eyes.


"Y/n come on. They're starting." Bucky says as he walks into the living room. Your laying down on the couch. "Eh." You say.

He sits next to your head. "You were looking forward to seeing the fireworks. What happened?" Bucky asks.

You shrug your shoulders. "Sometimes this just happens." You say.

"Doll, what wrong?" Bucky asks. "You're holding the pillow how you hold pillows when you're upset."

"I'm just squeezing the pillow against me." You say innocently.

"Doll..." Bucky says. You groan and turn your head into the couch. "I just want to be alone." You say.

Bucky softly strokes your hair. The sound of a firework going off causes your head to shoot up. "They're starting." You say as you stand up and run to the window.

Bucky stands next to you as you watch the colors explode. They start to rain down as another one explodes. The colors dance in your eyes as you watch, mesmerized by it. Everything seem to fade out as you watch. You forget Bucky's there. You forget about the bet. About being an avenger. About your past. Your present and your future. You just stand their in that moment and let yourself get lost. Almost as if fireworks are your destiny.

"This never gets old." You say. Bucky takes a leap of faith and wraps his arm around your shoulders. You wrap your arm around his back and lay your head on his shoulder.

"Do you still want to be alone?" Bucky asks.

"Not anymore." You respond. Bucky smiles and kisses your temple.

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