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act 3, chapter 13

by: _amaranthine02


A gloomy afternoon in the Baroness' house, where her servants were all busy in preparing the Charity Gala. Finally giving her redemption for her fame and greatness after her two competitors destroyed it. In celebration, was this whole, grand party full of people, champagne, and the extraordianary power that enhances her. 

The Baroness walks to the busy ballroom, clearly stressed with the Comissioner by her side. With his hat close to his body, his navy uniform presented cleanly. 

"The boys are locked up, but we have a problem."

"I don't pay you for problems." The Baroness fumed. 

"We didn't find their body." 

The Baroness steps accumulated even more rage as the man speaks. "What are you talking about? It's on the TV, the radio.."

"Well, someone tipped them off and gave them the wrong tip."

The Baroness turns to him, her hands placed on the chair. Composing herself from the awful news that was given, merely radiating her anger to the chair. 

She forced a strained smile, "Thank you for your time."

The Comissioner was about the turn his heel. 

"Incompetent as always."

He faces her, his chin high up, showing distaste to the venomous insult. He nods once, after making his way to the door. 

The Baroness looks at the chair, vigorously throwing it to the side where the maid was at. The young woman exclaimed in pain as the feet of the chair hits her leg. 

The Baroness furiously points at her pained expression, "You're in the way."


The guard walks back and forth, pacing outside the bars of the jail where the inmates were staying. In total of 3 rooms where people were inside, in the end were both Jesper and Horace sitting across each other in the tight room. 

Jesper was on the small bed, leaning on the wall behind. Horace was sitting on his own bed, both of the men were with the faces of disbelief and appalled by the happening yesterday.

"I still can't believe they're dead." Horace ponders. His heart slowly becoming heavy as his mind kept on replaying the moments of the fire that burnt his sister and Cameron. 

Jesper wipes his face with his palms to wake himself up. Moving with an exhale and sitting across Horace. 

"Pull it together, H. You can't cry in prison." He whispers. 

Horace composes himself, calming down and sucking the tears in. "Yeah."

"Let's just remember (Y/n) and Eron."

"(Y/n) and Eron." Horace repeats, twice. "No crying."

"Forget Cameron." Jesper says, raising his fist up. 

Horace sighs and places his hand on Jasper's fist. 


The police officer in the front desk was doing his buisness, writing and working on his paper work. 

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