rainy day

338 4 1

TW: sexual assault (u don't fully see it)

Max was in his room sitting silently, staring into the ceiling. His parents were home and he couldn't do much. His parents were in the kitchen for a while and he was very confused.

"Max dinner!" his mom shouted.

Max's eyes widened. His parents haven't made dinner in a long time, why did they make it now?

"Hurry up!" his mom continued.

He runs to the dining room table and sits down.

"I didn't make much for you but eat it, now!" his father commanded.

Max was super confused but he quickly started to fill the strange microwaved pizza in his mouth and swallow. It tasted okay. Max looked over at his mother who was smiling.

"Isn't it so nice having a family dinner?" Max's mother laughed glaring down at her husband.

"Yes even with this little shit," Max's father smiled.

Max was a bit suspicious. Or maybe he was over thinking like he always does. Maybe his parents decided to treat him nicely for once.

"Eat up quick, we're gonna be doing some important things," Max's mom's smile faded.

Max continued to eat because he has been hungry forever since his parents rarely never made him food.

There was an awkward silence at the table. Max was worried any second he would be hit for thinking stuff would be normal like this. He watched his parents eat their food but it looked more different than his.

"Are you feeling okay honey?" Max's mom asked looking at him.

Max again was confused biting into his 2nd slice of pizza when he started to realize how off their behavior was. When was the last time Max was called honey as well?

"Yeah I- I feel fine," the young boy drops his pizza on to his plate and stares down.

Max's dad started to smile and they scooted their chairs closer to Max. Max started to feel a bit tired.

"M-mom?" Max asked looking at his mother worried as he felt dizzy.

Max's mother smiled, "Shhh honey everything will be okay."

Max started to panic as his eyes started to blur and become heavy. He noticed a stranger standing behind him. Max was wondering where he came from and started to worry. The stranger handed his parents a ton of money as he felt his hoodie being taken off.

"Hey don't touch that!" Max shouted and started to kick and fight from the stranger grabbing him and bringing him into his bedroom but he was too little.

"Who are you...Stop please!" Max cried as he was being strapped and pinned down onto his bed.

"Please...." Max shouted one last time as he felt two hands searching his body. His clothes being tugged on. What was going on? Then he couldn't lift his heavy eyelids up anymore and he passed out unconscious.


Max jolted up in his bed early in the morning from his awful nightmare of a flashback. He was almost in tears but forgot how much he bawled his eyes out from the night. Max held tight onto Mr. Honeynuts waiting for the others to wake up. He felt sick to his stomach remembering what he felt after he woke up in his bed from that night in his dream. It was one of the worst pains he ever gone through. Max stared at the roof of the tent and hoped his bad memories of that night would fade away in his head.

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