Chapter 45: Announcement...

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"You called?"

He entered in the fashion that was most Ashe-like and reminded himself that his younger self was gob-smacked as he remembered.

"Good evening," he tried to be cordial. Technically, whatever he did, it would pass off as he remembered, even going to lie down, but he didn't want to risk that. Time was a fickle thing.

He wanted to snigger at the look of complete despair on Dumbledore's face. Priceless, that is.

To see Mafalda so... so... What was the correct term? It was hilarious, even the second time.

Remembering what he had to do, he pulled back his hood and looked Dumbledore straight in his no-longer-twinkling eyes. Dumbledore was kicking the guards who escorted him out of the Ministry. He was nothing more than Squib scum and should be handled that way.

Harry wanted to leave and give Dumbledore his letter but he knew that he had to stay. He almost laughed at how naïve his younger self was, even if it was only by a few days. He thought of the most Tom things to say and the whole 'Parselmagic' thing was elementary at best.

He shadow-stepped away the moment he got out of the room and went straight to the Department of Mysteries. There were many memories in this place although no one else knew of them apart from Sirius and he well... had a complicated past with the place. Immediately, he found the glass case inscribed with protection runes. They were the very basic security runes and could be easily overpowered with just a wave of magic. Again, why they thought it was a good idea to give a 13-year-old a powerful time-travel device was mind-boggling.

Harry guessed Dumbledore had something to do with that, it being a part of his plans or whatnot.

He unlocked the cabinet and just took it. Just like that. Magical Britain is completely useless sometimes.

He shadow-stepped to Dumbledore's rather... humble... residence and dropped off the letter and Time-Turner. Dumbledore couldn't even use it because he didn't even have the magic anymore. Disgusting, old and powerless goat, he is.

Alongside that, he sent a rather... threatening letter meant for Dumbledore stating instructions and went straight to the pace that he knew that he wouldn't go.

Just then, he felt woozy. He released his Glamours and with the last strength that he had, apparated to St Mungo's...


"Healer Dots, Jefferson and Edison, for God's sake stop staring," he groaned, getting up from his hospital bed.

"Nice to see you too, Harry or should I say Supreme Mugwump Potter?" he jested, chuckling.

"I prefer Your Royal Majesty actually," he chuckled, groggily.

The three Healers chuckled.

"Heyyy... fresh meat, eh?" He sensed another presence that he hadn't sensed before.

"Good evening, Supreme Mugwump, my name i-"

"Stop right there." He held up a hand, still not opening his eyes.

The newbie looked at the Healers in confusion.

"Try not to scare her too much, Harry," Dots chuckled, "You gave my son quite the


"I'm sure the daughter of Charlotte and... Gregory Porter won't mind, would she?" he smiled, finally opening his to see the gaping face of Diana.

"Ho-how?" she asked, breathlessly. The people in the room laughed. Because Harry was a VIP and a regular, he had his suite and they often brought whoever they wanted to mess with to his suite. Harry didn't mind at all. Now to see where he remembered the names from. Gregory Porter was the owner of a tiny shop in Knockturn Alley. Not the friendliest old man. Harry would have never guessed that he was the sort of guy to have a kid.

"Magic," he said letting a bit of his magic dance on the skin of his hand.

"Anyway... how long was I out for?"

"3 Days and I would tell you to stay but... that won't work."

Harry chuckled, "You know me too well but don't worry, you won't see me too much from now on, I have people to do my work now," he smiled.

Dots shook his head, "Bye Harry."

Diana looked to Healer Dots as if asking him where Harry was going. Dots pointed to the bed where Harry changed his hospital gown into combat robes and waved, disappearing into the shadows.


July 31 1997

Harry's 17th Birthday

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUP!" Sirius shouted as Harry came down the stairs.

"Thanks Padfoot," he smiled. It was his 17th birthday and in his last life, they had lost a lot of people in the Battle of the Seven Potters.

"Happy Coming of Age, Pup," Remus chuckled as he hugged Harry. He dragged the boy to the living room where he saw Bella, Tom, Rod, Rab, Barty, Fen and the Malfoys. He wore a black suit and tie as he still had to go to work in about an hour.

They were gathered in the Dining Room, seemingly waiting for him. Harry had to make an announcement.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they yelled in unison; especially a very excitable Bellatrix.

"Hey guys," he said calmly. He had to learn to use this voice to deal with politicians, lawyers and anyone who lied for a living, on a daily basis.

"Why so glum, chum?" Draco said, chuckling. The two had become almost as close as Harry and Ron but the raven-haired knew not to trust anyone too easily.

"I have an announcement..."

That is the end...

This is my first attempt at a Fanfiction and I hope you liked it! Feel free to leave any comments or constructive criticisms. They are appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

PS ( out of curiosity) how old do you guys think I am?

SOOOOOO.... I've been getting messages and comments about a sequel,

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