Chapter 29: Chief Warlock

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The name shot as bright as day at the top of the tall auditorium

Voting was basically a formality. With the power that Harry held, he was completely sure that he would win.

He remained emotionless as they clapped and cheered.

He gave a short, generic speech and after the inevitable congratulations that occurred from fellow members of the Wizengamot, he was approached by a fart-bag by the title of Thief.

"Good evening, Thief," he nodded.

"Good evening, and please, call me Albus," he jested.

"No thank you, Thief,"

Albums nodded, smiling. The man always had a way to be cheery, "It is quite the occasion, is it not?"

"Indeed..." he nodded.

"Why you felt the need to put the motion against me is beyond me.."

Before he could continue a probably well-rehearsed speech, Harry interrupted, "Personally, I would rather that a thief and an embezzler not hold that much power over the British Wizarding World," he stated slightly loudly, gaining a few listeners.

He waved for Dumbledore to come closer and Harry whispered in his ear, "Don't think I don't know about all of those compulsions and repulsions, Albus, dearie," he remained emotionless and Albus paled and walked off and the audience soon went as well.

"Ru-ude," he drawled childishly as he took a sip of his drink.


"You guys can stop bowing, y'know?" he said for the nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine-millionth time as he walked into the Great Hall about a week after the announcement. They just ignored him.

He sat down at the staff table for breakfast and picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet while taking a sip of his coffee.

He regretted it as he spit it all out again.

He turned to the empty Headmaster's chair.

"HO HO HO, ALBUS, YOU ARE SOOO DEAD!!" he yelled in the middle of the Great Hall. He made a note to stop doing that with his position and such.

He took a deep breath, "Apologies," he said before sitting down again and reading the rest of the article.


The article that followed was full of things that Dumbledore had said about him . From things like him being a snotty brat. Harry smirked, he didn't think it was going to go well for Albus. Calling the new Chief Warlock and the person that he embezzled from, a 'snotty brat' wasn't going to fare well for him.

"Harry," Minerva said from beside him.

"Yes, Minerva?" he asked looking placing down his cutlery.

"What was that about?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, he shook his head, "And you don't either, right?" he lightly threatened the rest of the Hall, raising an eyebrow.

He turned to Snape who was sat on the other side of him, "Do you... Severus?" he asked, sheepishly, causing the Potions Master to sputter out whatever he was drinking and pale.

"N-no, Harry," he barely got out, as he cleaned himself off.

"See?" he gestured to the man.

Minerva shrugged, "There is something wrong with that man," she shook her head before continuing to eat.

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