Day 181

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Only in union with Christ is there hope of salvation for the world.

The church of Colossae is a church that was not established by Paul. Paul learned that false teachers were predominant in the church of Colossae and the area is his responsibility. His journey in Colossae teaches us that many false teachers, prophets claim to know God. The teachings in the church of Colossae insisted that one must worship certain "idol, ruler or authority," one must submit to special rites such as observing what food to eat and others in knowing God and this beliefs opposes a lot to Pauls true teachings about God.

Moreover, there are times that we are very far away from God and we became his enemy because we do evil things, we are not bringing anymore his Glory. We follow rulers, we worship idols, we conform to the world, we demand from God, we end up hurting ourselves, others without saturating oneself in the word of God. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, God's gospel is our hope, our relationship and union with Christ Jesus changes us. God's gospel is the foundation of our faith in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Paul then writes about the true Christian message: Jesus Christ is able to give full salvation and these false teaching, beliefs and practices leads us away from him. Only in union with Christ is the hope of salvation for the world "And the secret is that Christ is in you, which means that you will share in the Glory of God." (Colossians 1:27 TEV). All of us must work as a servant of the church. Do not let anybody deceive you with false arguments. "Keep your roots deep in him build your lives on him, and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught and be filled with thanksgiving." (Colossians 2:7 TEV).


Lord Jesus, thank you for making me as your friend, only in union with you bring me holy, pure and faultless in your presence. Amen.

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