Loving you the way you deserve

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James POV:

I was absolutely and completely drunk, which was an odd thing for me since I never get drunk. I stumbled my way into the bedroom and watched as Y/n slept. She was too good for me. Completely and utterly out of my league. I didn't want her to wake up and see me like this, so I left and crashed on the couch.

I stared at the empty wall. The silence so deafening it felt like someone had taken away my hearing.

Why did it have to be her? Why does she have to get hurt because I'm selfish? Why must the only person I want to be with, have to be the only one who didn't know?

Questions flooded my head. I'm not prepared to be alone again.


Y/n's POV:

I woke up in nothing but James' shirt. Not even underwear. I noticed he wasn't in bed, I naturally assumed he got up before me.

I walked into the living room I saw James passed out on the couch. He had the same clothes on yesterday. Not even his shoes were off.

As I made my way over to him, I was hit with the smell of alcohol and smoke. "Jamie?" I called, lightly tapping him. Nothing.

I open all the blinds and turned on the Tv. "That'll wake you, huh?"

He groans and tries to open his eyes. "turn that down. And turn off the blinds"

"You're speaking nonsense. Did you go out drinking last night?"

"No." He mumbled

"When did you go to sleep? How much did you drink? How much did you smoke? Why did you drop drink so much?"

"Stop asking me so many got damn questions"

"Don't talk to me like that"

I turn up the volume.

He whines and puts a pillow over his head. "Answer me when I talk to you" I demand

"Y/n, please not right now"


"I slept at around 5 am, drank too much, smoked too much, and for your last question, I'm a dumbass"

I turned off the TV and closed the blinds. "You're last answer isn't good enough"


"Don't doll me."

He sits up and squeezes his eyes shut. "This is the worst hangover of my life"

"I bet. Go shower"

"I will get on my hands and knees and beg you to help me."

I walked over and sat on his lap. "You look a mess and you smell like a club"

"Yeah" He groaned

"I'll shower with you"

"Thank you"

"How's your head?"

"Feels like it's gonna explode"

"Your poor little soul"


"I'll get you some meds" I smile walking away. I come back and feed him the medication.

I help him up and we walk to the shower. I throw off the shirt I was wearing and help undress him.

We get into the shower.


James POV:

The hot water hitting my body lulled me into such a comfortable state I felt like I would fall asleep right in the shower.

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