Baking soda volcano

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A/N (I forgot to mention this in the beginning but I will add it. Loki is not very likable in this story so if you're a fan of him, sorry)

Y/n's POV:

We walk into the building and the few people that were there were absolutely glaring at us.

"Pay them no mind" He whispers in my ear. "Do I pay you all to fucking look at me? Or do I pay you all to work?" He calls out.

And just like that, they all get back to work. "Authority looks well on you, Mr. Barnes" I smile.

We walk up to his office.

"Today I completely cleared my meeting so I can actually teach you something" He sighs

"Alright, what's the lesson?" I smile

"You're gonna learn how to use your mouth" He nods

"Um, I know we're friends now, but I don't know if it would be appropriate to give you head in your office" I giggle

"You know that's not what I meant" He scoffs

"You really have to be more clear with your words, Mr. Barnes"

'I could say the same thing about you"

"What do you mean?"

"You specifically said, 'I don't know if it would be appropriate to give you head in your office' implying that you would give me head else wear" He shrugs

"Hm, I guess I did say that, huh?" I smile

"Giving any sexual favors to your boss wouldn't be appropriate, and I would never imply partaking in such activity"

"You sound so professional" I laugh

"That's my job, Y/n. Anyways, sit down"


James POV:

She nods and sits. "As much as your stubborn behavior irritates every nerve in my body, it's rather helpful in a work environment" I explain. "So, I need you to go and debate some people. Get you use to having an intellectual argument and conversation" I continue. "Sounds fun! I love to argue" She smiles.

"I know, but it's not that simple" I nod, leading her out of the room. "Insulting people ages isn't something that you do in a debate"

"Yes Mr. Barnes, I know how a debate works" She laughs

I take her to a room with 3 other people. "OH! There are snacks!" She cheered, skipping to a bowl of M&M's. I roll my eyes and call over one of my employees. "Don't let her eat all the food, she'll just complain about a stomach ache later " I mumble. He nods and walks away.

I leave the room and see Steve sitting in my office. "What the hell do you want?" I scoff. "You were on time today. You're always early" He grins.


"Where were you?"

"I was with Y/n" I answer, sitting at my desk

"Y/n, huh? The woman you claim to not enjoy being around?" He interrogates

"We became friends yesterday" I nod

"Oh? I told you she would grow on you" He laughs

"Eh" I shrug

"What did you two do?"

"We went on a run and then got breakfast"

"How did the run go?"

"She got scared so she started actually running" I explain

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