Infirmary and worry

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(Yn) pov

I wake up in the camp infirmary with Percy and Nico sitting right there since they both were there to witness what happened. I look around and everything is a slight blur, "(yn) thank gods you are okay" Nico says, they both hug me not tight or I probably would've passed out on the spot. They pull away and I smile "I'm fine it hurts but I'm fine absolutely fine" I feel where the cut in my neck is, it is stitched up. "(Yn) you lost a lot of blood" Percy sounds worried. "Yeah but I'm okay" I smile lightly, and sit up but I'm hit with a wave of nausea and and I lay back down and groan.

After 4 days I'm let out of the infirmary

Of course since one person was able to break into the camp everyone is on high alert and they have put up even more security around the barriers.

Percy, Annabeth, and Nico were worried cause they are my best friends. But I think my dad was the one who was pissed off the most because I got hurt and that some one snuck in the camp.

A few months ago was the Titan war and now Percy is missing it is December, Annabeth hasn't stopped looking for him and I don't blame her they've only been dating for 4 months but they've known each other for years.

Nico hasn't been here for about a month either and of course I'm worried he is one of my best friends. Mean while I've just heard about the 2nd great prophecy
" 8 half bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the doors of death"

No one knows when this prophecy is going to take place, it can happen now or in 300 years we won't know until it happens.

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