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(Y/n) pov

Ugh I just can't get him out of my mind Nico Di Angelo. Why the hell does he have to be so cute and I don't fucking care if his father is the god of the underworld I accept him no matter what. I need to tell him but I just don't know how, me and him have only talked a few times and each is just about how the camp is run and what goes on and what a demigod is etc.

It is after dinner and we are gonna be playing capture the flag. The teams are


Great, this is perfect it really really is. 

Half way through capture the flag Percy, Nico, and I ( QUICK AN yeah I used the proper way for once lol) we are going to get the other teams flag, but then someone sneaks up behind us a grabs me and holds a sword to my neck.
"Do not move or she gets it" the person threatens, it wasn't a camper no not at all it was some one from Kronos' side of the war some one who lived and still wants us dead. "What do you want, you lost the war so why are you here?" Percy asks with sudden anger I've never seen before.
"Your death, the death of everyone in this camp. And the gods to be gone, to bring Kronos back again." The person digs the sword tip just into the underside of my chin hardly.  Nico shadow travels away, hopefully getting help.

The person and Percy argue for a few minutes and then the person gets angry, he moves the sword down so it is digging into my throat. We heard the yells of the campers and running towards us, the person puts more pressure against the sword digging into my throat.

I gasp as I feel the sword cut through my skin, and with a sickening smile the person digs it a bit deeper into my throat and I feel a lot  blood running on my neck now. And then all of a sudden the sword is on the ground and the person is unconscious. And as I pass out from blood loss dizziness takes me over and I can barely make out what I'm seeing but I'm pretty sure that I see Nico standing behind where the person was and he has blood on his hands it looks like.

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