Chapter 3: More will fall

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September 10th, 1976

2 weeks it nearly had been since the arrival of Rodrick Lupin. The American wizard of Hogwarts. He has become known, unwillingly. The one person that he was intrigued about was Regulus Black. A fellow Slytherin that avoids him like the plague since day one. But being a Slytherin he was determined to know his secrets and to earn his trust. Which he did, since their friendship Rodrick and Regulus were able  to share more than two words with each other. And the question he feared arised. Why did he want to kill his father?

"Today I asked the American a dreadful but utmost interesting question. Why did he want to end the life of his father. What he told me was quite shocking. For someone who seemed so filled with joy, he had a big dark spot on his soul. I now know this friendship can take the boredom away. I may have to stop referring him as 'The American'."

Rodrick sat beside Regulus and looked at him, straight ahead. He could see an interest in Regulus' eyes. It took the nerves away from telling the dark part of his journey to Hogwarts. He smiled softly. "My father worked at MACUSA, it's the same as The Ministry of Magic only in America. He was an auror. But he had a temper and wasn't scared to drink more than he could carry." Rodrick hadn't spoken of his father or what happened since he moved to England. He had put it into a box and trusted the fact that it wouldn't get opened again. Until now. "He wasn't doing well as an Auror, he wasn't catching as many dark wizards, he was late constantly and got angry when he got called out about it. When he got home I usually paid the price and if I was already in bed, my mom did. One night he came home late, I could hear them arguing, I was scared. Terrified actually. Their conversation was as clear as day. He wanted to go upstairs and beat me, he was angry at me for some unknown reason. Mom stopped him. I saw a big flash of light and I knew what had happened. She killed him, with the killing curse." No emotion whatsoever was given away. Rodrick felt no remorse, guilt, or sadness towards the man who helped put him on earth. It was something he knew Regulus would probably understand. "I then ran downstairs and helped her get rid of him, to this day no one knows what happened because no one cares. He was a lowlife bum. I sometimes dream of him, killing him, I think I would've liked to have that revenge on my belt." When he stopped talking, he scanned his eyes over his friend. Something came loose. More than interest. He felt suddenly a hand on his own. "What are you doing?" Rodrick asked. "I'm not gonna embrace you, you fool. But I think this will be the start of a great friendship, Lupin." Regulus had this strange smile on his face, but it was a welcoming smile nevertheless. 

"Interruption. The moment I shared with Lupin has been imprinted on my mind. But it was cut short, a fellow Slytherin had interfered but he carried news. News of a mysterious attack on another mudblood. I usually do not care, why should I, they are unnatural and evil. But Lupin did care, the expression on his face said plenty. I couldn't deny my curiosity. So we decided after hours to try and see what the fuss is all about. As a Black you can never be too sure, you always have to be on the right side of history, and if I'm right this could be important."

BAM! Did the door which startled both Rodrick and Regulus. Their hands were immediately removed. Regulus stood up, nearly scaring the first year Slytherin. " I'm not sure if you just never had any manners or you're just on the road for a death wish but you do not enter my chamber in that matter. What is it you want, child?" He said firmly, the first year was indeed frightened. "Sorry, but there has been an incident, everyone is at the hospital wing." Regulus turned around to look at Rodrick. Both wondering what this indient might be. The boy was about to leave and Regulus grabbed him. "What incident?" He asked. "Another Muggleborn has been attacked tonight, they're alive but it seems they got cursed." Regulus let go of the young boy, letting him run. Rodrick stood beside himand they had that look, a shared look, knowing damn well what the other was thinking. "We should go to the hospital wing, dear friend. We wouldn't want to miss the spectacle." Regulus said before leaving his chambers. Rodrick nodded and followed swiftly. As they joined the uncontrollable crowd, Regulus was able to see there was more to this than a random attack. He had to break curfew. He leaned into Rodrick's ear. "Tonight. After hours we will return and find out what we can. There's a mystery among us." He smiled and got back in his place. Both Rodrick and Regulus shared a smile. Tonight was gonna be the start of an unlikely team. The American and The Noble One. 

"We left tonight. Everyone was sound asleep. We went to the hospital wing, wanting to see the cursed mudblood up close. What we found was already known, the young mudblood was indeed cursed but what was not known was the carving on her arm, mudblood, it said. It was a message, more will fall, panic will come to Hogwarts, this is not the work of the Dark Lord, it was far too early to commit such crimes. This was an unlawful follower of his. How satisfying it may feel to see a mudblood suffer it's misplaced and dangerous, I have no choice, I, Regulus Arcturus Black have to stop the attacks before word goes out."

James put down the book and was shocked to read this. The name he had searched for has finally shown up, Regulus Black. "Sirius' brother is Regulus Black. R.A.B.." He knew he had to keep going but the shock was heavy. This young man has dissapeared in these journals and no where else. A young man despite being a Death Eater would save Muggleborns. James knew this had to be known. But not yet, he needed to read everything before making the decision to tell his father. But the thought of being nothing but dust scared him, he hoped to be great one day and even though James does not agree with Regulus his ways, no one deserves to dissapear, every Death Eater even has a history to own, but why not Regulus Black. "I don't know why you're forgotten but, I will make sure you're remembered now."

Final part for the week. A new part will be up next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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