Chapter 40: A New Hope

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Peeta's POV

Katniss hasn't had the best week. First she had to deal with my flashback. Then two days ago she found Buttercup dead in the Kitchen. She lost the last living piece of her sister. And she isn't taking it well.

It wasn't that she adored the cat, but she did care for him. Before I got home, he was all she had. It was her one last piece of her sister, and now he's gone.

When I go to the living room to check on her, seeing as she complained she was tired earlier and went to the living room to sleep, I was surprised to see her sitting up and looking through the memory book.

"That damn cat," she mumbles, "that damn cat just had to die on me when I needed him."

"He's with Prim now Katniss," I say going up behind her to see her gently running her hand across a drawing of Prim with the scruffy cat in her lap.

"But he was all I had left of her, Peeta. Her birthday is tomorrow, and I don't know how I'm gonna get through it," she says.

"I could stay with you," I offer but she just shakes her head.

"I can't let you do that," she says, "You need to be at the bakery, it's good for you. I just wish I had someone to follow me around the house while I sit around all day since you don't really want me out hunting. A stupid cat or not, he was good company when you were busy," she says walking towards the kitchen, "Trust me, I'll be fine Peeta. I'll get over him sooner or later.It just takes time."

She leaves and I hear her walk up the steps. Making sure she's gone, I then slip out the door and start out towards the hob. I walk through the little stalls, earning nods from people as I go. I've traded some of Katniss' game when she has felt well enough to do so and it's earned me some respect. When I get to Greasy Sae's stand I stop infront of it, she smiles at me, showing off her missing teeth.

"Hello boy, how's the Mrs?" she asks.

"Good, but not so well with losing the old cat. That's why I'm here. I was wondering if our little arrangement ended up working out," I say.

"It did. He was please to get the bread and was more then happy to donate one of his stock to the Mockingjay," she says setting a medium sized box on the counter. I open it to find a small black ball of fur, curled up and sleeping peacefully. "He's more wolf then dog, but if you two spend enough time with him he will become a wonderful companion for Katniss and the baby during the day and one hell of a guard dog."

"I can't thank you enough Sae," I say.

"Just bring me a loaf of bread from time to time and I'll consider it payment," She says. "Now get home before she starts to worry. I don't want to have her coming down her yelling at me for keeping you."

"I'll see you later Sae," I say before placing the lid back on the box and carefully carrying it out of the Hob, being careful not to jostle the box too much. When I walk through the door Katniss is there pacing.

"Where were you?" she asks, "I was worried sick because you just disappeared. I thought you'd had a flashback and wondered off somewhere."

"No I'm fine. I just had some business at the Hob. I got you something," I say holding out the box to her.

"What's this?" she says taking it from me.

"Open it and find out," I say, "But be very gentle." She sets the box on floor and kneels in front of it. She carefully lifts the lid and gasps. She reaches down and pulls out the squirming little wolf pup and holds him to her chest. He wags his tail and laps at her face, covering it in slobbery kisses.

"Where on earth did you get him?" she asks.

"One of Sae's friends at the Hob started rounding up wild dogs and taming them. He bred a couple and had a litter born not to long ago. He's been selling them as guard dogs and after Buttercup died, Sae helped me make a deal with him to get you a new companion. So five loaves of bread and three squirrels later, you've got a new friend and guard dog.

"Well he is absolutely amazing," she says scratching him behind the ear.

"So you like him?" I ask.

"I love him. All though I miss the old grump, it'll be a relief to have someone hanging around me who doesn't hiss at me all the time," she says.

"He needs a name you know," I say and she laughs.

"Well of course he does. You don't expect me to just call him dog do you?" she says standing up.

"No, but what are you gonna name him?" I ask.

"Your letting me decide?" she asks.

"Of course, he's your dog," I say. I watch as she studies him and then she gently scratches his ears.

"Luca, his name is Luca," she decides. Luca yips and licks her face before wiggling in her arms causing her to set him down. We watch as he walks towards the living room and leaves a present on the rug.

"I'm not cleaning it up. You brought him here, you can clean it up. Come on Luca, lets go see if we can find you a nice soft pillow to use as a bed," she says she starts up the stairs. Luca follows her, already completely in love with her as he climbs the steps, stumbling every once in a while due to his stubby legs. I look back over to the rug and groan. Maybe getting this puppy wasn't exactly my brightest idea, but at least it cheered Katniss up.

Hey! Day seven! I did it! A whole week tomorrow that I've given you a update everyday. I'm very proud of myself. I hope you guys like it. Chapter 40 is further than I thought I would go. I'm proud of you guys for sticking by me through all of this.

Until next time. Maybe tomorrow.

97k rules!
Love y'all
Rock on!

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