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The Doppelganger: A legend containing the history of mysterious people that have the same appearance as other people, even if they are not familiar with them.
This legend have sparked many different reactions: Some people took it normally, because in a world were crazy events could happen, why the appearance of someone similar to you could not happen?. Other people (the most superstitious ones) took it dreadfully, saying that if a Doppelganger appeared in the same place as the person they look like, it was a bad omen.

Safe to say, the legend was quite popular, even in the real world.

Some people in the real world met their "Doppelganger" and it had many different reactions, some people took it normally, others were amazed at the notion of someone that looks like you existing out there and others took it bad.

Due to the legend of the Doppelganger and the recently discovered complex DNA, the brilliant minds of many scientists were studying the human DNA and it's secrets to learn new ways to preserve or even enhance the human race, and one of the most sought ways was: Clonation.

They did it in hopes of knowing what use could they make of the successful creation of artificial life.

Sadly, in this world the answer is still uncertain, but in another world, a certain One Winged Angel would know what would happen first hand.

Like: What would happen if a clone was built with the sole purpose of being your opposite? And that is to be the only thing that can stop you?

That is the case with this one.

Y/N 'Samuroth' Valentine is a clone created by a certain Breeding Fetishist called Dr. Hojo from the genes of the most powerful SOLDIER of Shinra: Sephiroth, along with Sephiroth's, the genes of Vincent and Ifalna were added to increase the potential of Samuroth as Project: SERAPHIM.
He was created secretly as a backup plan for Sephiroth if he EVER went rogue against them or Shinra, with Dr. Hojo and his assistant using the best resources to create or arm their 'weapon'.

Many years have passed and SERAPHIM's development was going great until AVALANCHE came around and created disaster for Shinra and them, forcing Hojo and the other scientists to abandon the laboratory Samuroth was being built, just before Hojo could implement the mind-control protocol on him, but he decided to abandon him thinking that no-one would find their secret weapon.

BIG mistake.

One time, the AVALANCHE Team arrived to one of Hojo's labs in their search of information on Sephiroth's whereabouts, but soon they were surprised to find a Sephiroth look-alike inside a chamber and in their surprise they accidentally released him.

Now that the One White Wing has appeared on Gaea what changes would he bring? What side is he on? What is his goal?

Only one way to find out!

To be continued. . .

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