🍒Dont touch my mama🌿

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We're at a part watching asper and Dream play.. it's adorble.. I see a familiar person.. Goerge? How the fuck is He here.. he should be in a mental  asylum. Dream sees him to picking up our daughter. Running over to us 'Gorge is here' He muttered.

'Wait shouldn't he be in a asylum' Sapnap said annoyed.

'Yeah but he escaped evidently' Dream said.

He got pulled onto Punzs lap. 'We won't let him take you darling don't worry' Punz said.

Me and Sapnap nodded to that 'neither will he take our child' Sapnap added.

Me and Sapnap stood up as our old friend approced us 'what the hell are you doing here' I snarled.

'A yandere never gives up' Goerge  protested.

'Sorry to say but Dream is ours and uh.. we have a child so fuck off' Sapnap spat.

George rolled his eyes and said don't mean we can break up so he can have senapi.. 'George you do know they are my senpais right' Dream said scared.. probably  more for asper...

'Well I'll die if I don't get my senpai' George said.

Looking  to Dream who was nodding 'and I'd die if I lost my senpais so either way one dies and it's best it's you' Dream said.

I growled picking of the British boy who was pissing me off. I have what want and so does Dream he has his little family asper was also growling over there.. she's protective  of her mother.

I dropped George who went over to saper who bite his hand hard 'stay away from mama' she snarled.

George  yelped in pain and Sapnap grabed him 'stay away from my damn child dickhead'Sapnap spit throwing him into a wall.

Asper.. I'm actually proud of her for doing that.. 'Good job princess' Punz said petting her head.

'How was that good? She fucking bite me' George spat.

'She protected her mother' I snarl stomping his ba11s makeing him scream in agnoy.

'Leave our boyfriend  alone damn it' Sapnao hissed breaking his arm.

I look over Aspers just nuzzling Dream giving a death stare over here at George probably growling.

'How the hell did you guys even make a kid your all male' George spat.

'Thats private, and we're not saying how' funap spat.

Soon George was out could and we just throw him into a garbage  truck. Sapnap stole asper 'protective  of mama, were proud of you' Sapnap said softly.

Aspers tail just wagging she likes when we're impressed with her. 'How about some icecream' Punz suggested.

Asper nodded and off went went. She happily  drinking a brownie milkshake. Meanwhile me and her other parents  pass around some strawberry cheesecake ice cream. She's our little princess and that's how we're gonna treat her. Soon she's gonna have to start school and I think we're all secretly hoping she's like me Sap and Punz where we're just impossible and perferbly she's not a yandere. 'Do you think she's a yandere baby' Sapnap questioned.

'Maybe for family but that's all I could say she is for now' Dream said.

🍒hmm what is asper?🌿

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