🍒 the one that slept with us🌿

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The next moring I awoke to my darling.. covered in cum.. damn he looks amzing  rocking our cum and hickeys. Right around midnight we got hit with horeny..and dream has a great time..Soon they awake 'my ass and lower back hurts' Dream whines.

'Sorry baby but fuck.. that felt amzing' Sapnap said with a smirk.

'Come on let's get cleaned up' I say  picking up Dream..

And well.. if I told you I was Pounding hard into him once more.. 'AUGH FUCK SENPAIS~'Dream maons out in pure pleasure.

Soon we clean him up for real and all get Dressed.. Dream was sporting a oversize shirt of Sapnaps that he made into a dress with a rope.. for some reason  Sapnap has thigh high  socks.. and he had all stars on.. with a denim jacket. 'Well you look hot when you cross' Fundy said.

We all had to be red, I just knew it... well I knew I was. 'I hate crossing but Mise as well since my boyfriends are all griffs' Dream said rolling his eyes.

'Mmm well you look adorble' I say.

And with that we make our way to school.. right to the office we went 'your dession?' The princebal  said.

His son and daughter were dressed actully decently.. accepting if we back off I'd get with Sabrina and Dream with  Goerge.

We.. well according to the plan "broke up".. but nope we never did nor will we ever.. Dreams littarly wearing Sapnaps shirt as a dress.  'Welcome to the family  loki' The princebal  said happily.

'Very unfoundly to be in it' Dream hissed still clinged nicely to me.

'What? Why are you so clingy to your exs?' George hissed.

'He got attached? Look he's our little clingy boy always has been.. also why your doing is illegal' Sapnap said smirking.

That's when the chief of police  comes in 'you can't expell them over being inlove, Mr. Notfound your under arrest' He said.

We happily  watched as he was dragged out.. 'b..but baby? Your mine now.. why are you siding  with them? Your exs!' George whined.

'Dont fucking call him that' Sapnap snared 'that's my damn nickname for him and mine only'.

'You can't clime  a name most lovers call there lover Blazikin' George  aruged.

That's very true.. but you don't take his nicknames though.. it pisses him off and you don't want any of us pissed at you.

'Now kindly hand me my boyfriend Doublecross' George demands.

Dream nodded to us. 'You mean your boyfriend? The one that slept with us last night' we all said.

George was pissed.. he wanted to probably  take it but nope our dicks were far up him twice.. he's OURS.

'Baby what the fuck? You-' George started.

'It's not cheating if I was never with  your ass' Dream spat. 'And only fucking  Sapnap can call me that'.

'Damn right' Sapnap said proudly.

George  seemed annoyed and about to cry.. I look to my cuddly  boy and fucking kissed him makeing out it broke 'face it he's ours and that's how I'd stay weak yandere' Fundy spat.

George went to attack and Dream wasent having it 'Dont hurt my senapis you rat' he spat throwing him out the window 'Oops hand sliped'.

Get walked over climbing up Fundy to be picked up, who gladly picked him up.

🍒George you may be a yandere
.. but so is you senpai🌿

𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 - Fundy X PreamanapWhere stories live. Discover now