Chapter 1: January

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"Alright then. It's settled." Nat says. "The two of you will compete against one another to see who can take down the most agents. Resulting in, who is the better assassin— sorry— ex-assassin."

"Alright doll. What do you want if you win?" Bucky asks.

"When I win, you'll have to be my personal assistant for a month." You say.

"A month?" Bucky asks in disbelief.

"Or 31 days. It doesn't have to be everyday for a month in case one of us gets called on a mission." You say.

"Fine, but when I win I want—"

"Her to be your sex doll for a month?" Nat cuts him off. You look at her with wide eyes.

"No Natasha! Jesus where did you come up with that?" Bucky asks her. He looks back at you. "That's not what I was gonna say." He says.

"Then spit it out Barnes." Nat says.

"Shut up Nat." Bucky says. "What I was gonna say, is that when I win, you have to go on a date with me everyday for a month."

"A month?" You ask I'm disbelief

"Or 31 days. It doesn't have to be everyday for a month in case one of us gets called on a mission." Bucky says, using your own words against you.

"What? You scared?" He asks.

"Not one bit." You say as you stick your hand out for him to shake. He does.

"Let the games—" you and Bucky say in unison.

"Sorry you can—"

"Oh no it's okay you can—" Bucky says cutting you off.

"No really I insist—"

"Oh my god! Let the games begin. See it wasn't that hard." Nat says as she dramatically walks out of the room.

"Let the best person win." Bucky says.

"I'm the best person." You say.

"We'll see about that doll." Bucky says.


"Ha. Suck it Barnes. I took down five agents, which puts me at twelve, and you at seven." You tease as you erase your old number on the whiteboard.

"Oh wow. Congratulations." Bucky sarcastically says.

"Thank you." You say. Bucky rolls his eyes.

"Wow. You guys have only been at this for a month and I already want it to be over." Sam says.

"Not me." Fury says. Everyone looks at him surprised. "This friendly competition is going to drive them to take down as many agents as they can. Therefore less bad guys in the world."

"I don't think it's very friendly sir." Maria says.

"What are you talking about?" You and Bucky ask in unison.

"Last week, y/n and Bucky started throwing things at each other in attempt to slow one another down so the other could get the mission first. Bucky threw a banana at y/n. While y/n threw a toaster at Bucky." Maria says.

Everyone looks at you. "What? I purposely missed." You defend.

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