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My eyes drift to the window of my music classroom, watching the dry leaves fall from trees, and the branches and sticks slowly go from the deep brown to the pale colour of November.

I wondered what it would look like in winter. What branches would still be standing in the severe conditions of snow.
What the ground would look like covered in the cold, pale white snowflakes we see every winter.

I wondered if kids would be playing outside. If they would be with their friends enjoying their time together as they pushed around a huge ball, their tongues out trying to catch the shavings falling from above.

I watched and watched, wasting time as Ms. Clayton explained what new music piece we would be preforming.

I tuned in and out, watching as the leaves slowly blew in the wind. Ones that were simply to weak, falling to the floor so effortlessly it didn't make a sound. Others gripping onto the branches for dear life, hoping to never fall like those leaves once did.

Watching the pattern over and over again got quite boring, so I focused my attention on the ass hat beside me.

He was in his own world, a bubble per say. One that consisted of his own thoughts and blocked everyone in its path, barricading a wall between everyone in the classroom and him.

I hate to admit it, but he was quite interesting. He was pleasing to the eye and he knew that. 

He was like snow. So mesmerizing and beautiful, Yet when you go to touch it your body is shocked to feel how cold it actually is.

After our first interaction a week ago he never really muttered a word to me again. Everly and Avery had caught me up on everything I've needed to know about him.

Supposedly he's Josh's best friend. Josh being Everlys twin brother and Averys sworn enemy.

They had mentioned them all being close at one point, but falling out of interest after a feud that broke all connections between Avery and Josh.

Although I've never met Josh personally, he seems a lot like Avery. Not full of himself ,but confident enough to make a point. I could understand how a friendship could go wrong, especially when you share some of the same quality's with someone.

Oh!, and remember bumble bee boy?.

Yeah well, he just so happens to fall into their little group of 'I'm popular, and everyone wants me.' Category.

To be honest with you I don't believe their persona. I feel as though everyone gives them that name and they feel the need to live up to it.

I see the way girls look at them from across the cafeteria, or the way they twirl the ends of their hair when they watch Austin in music class.It felt like reading an overrated book, expecting so much more then they give you.

They wanted them so bad. And yet they could care less.

Their group was particularly different when it came to personality.

Collin was like a ray of sunshine as Austin was more like a tornado.

Everyone waits for it to pass, the worst parts of its rubble causing the worst damage. It causes havoc and disaster, and once it's all over you're left in utter silence. Wondering where it had disappeared too, and why the only time it ever shows up is to destroy things in its path.

He was like a tornado.

He lived in his own world most of the time, but when his bubble disappeared and he was obligated to talk, he had nothing nice to say.

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