I'm sorry

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I know what I said. I said that I would finish this story. But I can't do that and I'm really sorry.

I haven't had a lot of ideas when continuing this story, and all of the ideas I have had have been extremely difficult to tie in with the current story. I had plans to add Frill into the mix -- she was the one behind the egg swaps -- and I tried and tried to come up with a good scenario or idea to add her in but I couldn't find one. There were some other plans as well: stuff like **Gore ahead, I guess?** the main character accidently killing his younger brother in the womb and that's why his parents got mad. Things like that. But i was just impossible for me to think of the right way to add them in. While yes I understand that my writing isn't the best, I wasn't going to make a subpar book with 50,000 plot holes. It wouldn't sit right with me. Along with that, I'm writing about touchy subjects that I know very little about. Things like depression. I'm not going to say that I had depression all my life when in reality I didn't and I'm not going to write about stuff along those lines when I don't understand enough about it; it would disrespect those that are going through this. And (I know that this isn't as serious as the other points) writing this book would take too much time and it would never be finished. I've uploaded four chapters in the span of six months. It's just not consistent.

TL;DR, I'm going to discontinue this story.

I apologize deeply to all of you that wanted to see this book finished, but it just isn't going to happen. If anyone wants to take my story and alter it in a way that you think would work then go right ahead. I'm not going to stop you.

Once again, I am really, truly sorry.

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