"Unsure Meeting"

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Grian landed suddenly on the overgrown lawn of the house burrowed into the hill. It took him a moment to get his bearings, but when he did, he found himself in a completely different environment than the one he knew.

"What is this?" Grian asked no-one in particular, though he hoped that somehow he'd get a satisfactory answer; none such thing came, however. "Is this another one of Scar's leasure Places?" He pondered, tilting his head at the crudely made house across from him.

If this really was Scar's doing, then his building has sure gotten a whole lot worse. The house before Grian was made almost completely out of wood, albeit, there was a block of white wool placed just above the door where a sign stood relatively proudly. The sign looked as if it had been there for years: mold was growing-over it, the black ink was nearly incomprehensible and it was just barely hanging-on to the house itself. Grian had a hard time fitting-together the words on the sign; they had been so badly weathered that it was near impossible to make-out what it said.

"Ninja's house...pants: optional?!" He read, slightly caught off-guard by that last part. "Ok, maybe this isn't Scar's home away from home.." Grian mumbled, turning on his feet away from the crudely-made house and towards the one burrowed into the hillside.

There was something different about this house, but Grian couldn't pin-point what it was. He got a strange feeling of agony from it, though he didn't know how or why, exactly.

"Whoever owns this place, they clearly haven't been maintaining it.." Grian said, bringing his shirt over his nose in an attempt to shield himself from a new, horrific smell that wafted from the house.

Grian's gaze was drawn to his left, he had seen something that caught his gaze; a bench that intrigued him for whatever reason. The bench sat overlooking a hill, and a tree stood by it like a sort of parental figure guarding it's child. It was a bittersweet view; the sunset was utterly gorgeous, but he still could not shake that horrible sense of agony. There was also a small jukebox next to the bench, so Grian took a music disc he had previously looted from a dungeon before he got here and slotted it in. Cat began to hum it's up-beat tune.

Grian sat on the bench and gazed at the towering structures before him as Cat continued to fill his ears with it's melody.

"That duck is quite good." Grian commented, pointing to the floating duck that hovered metres above a small pond below. "Thanks, I made it myself!" Another voice suddenly entered the fray, startling Grian. "What on earth?" Grian yelped, jumping away from the man and nearly tumbling down the hill.

Grian took a defensive stance, but soon dropped it upon seeing the man's soft, welcoming gaze that had befallen upon him.

"Sorry, you startled me a bit.." Grian apologised, inhaling and exhaling heavily in order to calm his fast-beating heart. "Sorry, I just couldn't help but realise you were gandering at my duckie, you see?" The man too apologised. "What's your name, by the way?" Grian asked.

The man smiled, striking a dramatical pose as if he were putting-on some sort of show.

"My name is BadBoyHalo." He introduced himself, his white eyes piercing-through Grian. "Nice to meet you, the name is Grian!" He smiled, extending a hand for Bad. "You, too!" Bad smiled back, taking Grian's hand and shaking it rapidly.

As Grian disconnected the two's hands, he couldn't help but realise Bad looking at him peculiarly.

"What's wrong?" Grian beckoned Bad to answer. "Nothing really, I've just never seen you around here before, are you new?" Bad asked. "I don't think so? I remember the last thing I was doing, that being flying, then I ended up here.." Grian vaguely explained. "You definitely came-in flying, I saw you fall-out of some portal next to Tommy's house." Bad explained, gesturing towards the house burrowed into the hill. "That's strange...wait, who is Tommy?" Grian stopped himself to ask.

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