꧁ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ ᖴOᑌᖇ꧂

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I blink as we land above a cave, smiling when I see Nudge & Fang come out. Before I could even think of saying anything, Gazzy and Iggy took a tumble down the mountain and scared the shit out of them. Laughing, I jump down and stand beside Fang. "You guys! You're not dead!" Nudge yells. "No. And you're not dead either. How 'bout just a hello?" Iggy retorts while Gazzy says a simple "Hi, guys!" I smile as Fang gives me a quick hug before Nudge engulfs me in her arms. "Sup kiddo, how's it hanging?" I asked as she simply gave me a death hug. "... so, who's hungry?" I asked as I took off my black backpack, opening it to see a few snacks left.

After diving everything up, I look around as I leave the bag with Nudge, looking at the canyon and taking in the sights. I blink as a few pocky sticks are thrust into my face. "Eat. You need something too." Fang simply says as I nod, taking the pocky sticks before walking back inside the cave with him. "So, where's Max?" I ask. I blink as Nudge looks down and Fang sighed. "She went to save someone and hasn't returned yet." I nod and look outside. "I guess we'll be waiting for a few days then..." I trailed off as the others nod.

A few days later, I awoke to the smell of Mcdonalds. I blinked and said, "Yo, where did you get the money for Mcdonalds?" Gazzy snickers as Fang stares me straight in the eyes to tell me where they got it, "The dumpster behind Mcdonalds...". Eyes bulging, I blinked as everyone watched me before sighing and mumbling, "It's better than not eating anything..." The others laugh a bit and chat as I eat slowly.

After I was finally finished, Nudge started babbling about flying with the eagles, so I nodded and stated that would be fun. Which is how we ended up flying with the eagles and learning new ways to fly. As we were hours into the flight, I heard someone in the distance land, and when I looked my eyes went wide. "Oh my god, it's Max!" I called the others and pointed. Everyone gets really excited to see her, so I land behind her so the others could hug her if they wanted to. Fang also lands and stands beside me as Nudge flies into Max for a hug and the others land in front of her.

"Nudge!" Max spoke, to which Nudge cried out, "Max! Max! I can't believe it! CAN I believe it!" Max smiles and says, "Let's go back to the cave and talk.", and nods towards the cave. I smiled as we went inside and sat in a circle; Nudge and Fang sat in front of the opening of the cave, Iggy sat beside Fang with Gazzy beside him, Max sat beside Nudge and I sat in between Max & Gazzy. My eyes go wide as Max brings out a bag of chocolate chip cookies for us to eat, ignoring the laughs I get when I eat my first cookie.

"This is an awesome hideout. So how's everyone been doing?" Max asks as Gazzy grabs another cookie. "Wow — these are so good!" Gazzy exclaimed as I nodded in agreement and grabbed another cookie as well. "Especially you three. What are you doing here? Why didn't you stay home like I told you?" Max says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "We couldn't. There were Erasers all over the mountain. They were hunting for us. We'd be dog meat by now." Gazzy quickly told her as I nodded my head in support. "When did they start hunting for you? Right after we left?" Max asked with concern laced in her voice. I smiled in amusement as the following conversation then proceeded to happen.

Gazzy: No
Iggy: Was it... was it after the oil-slick hummer crash?
Gazzy: Or maybe it was... after the bomb.
Iggy: I think it was the bomb. That definitely seemed to tick them off.
Max: Bomb?! You guys set off a bomb? Didn't that tell the Erasers exactly where you were? You should have stayed hidden!

I held in my laughter as Max glared at me.

Gazzy: But they already knew where we were!
Iggy: They'd seen all of us – they knew we were in the area.

I nodded, "Yeah, they came into the house as well. They must have seen me go back after the road cuz I heard their footsteps, man they sure are LOUD!" I exclaimed. "Luckily, the bomb woke me up in time." I gave a thumbs up to everyone. Max sighed, "Well, I'm glad you're safe. How were you guys, Fang and Nudge? Sorry to keep you waiting..."

Nudge looked down as she spoke, "I... tried to find my mom from the address I saw in the files." Mine and Max's eyes widened, "Whaaat? Your mom?" Max asked as Nudge nodded with a sad look in her eyes, "But the Erasers, including that dirtbag Ari, showed up and gave Fang a hard time." I finished my second cookie as Max continued the conversation, "So you didn't talk to her? Did she look nice?" Nudge shook her head, "Um... I'll tell you about it later." "Ah..." Max nodded in agreement as I finished my third and last cookie before stopping to let the others finish the rest.

Fang then changed the topic, "We've learned some stuff from the hawks. Some banking moves, how they communicate, stuff like that." Nudge nodded and brightened back up, "Right! They, like, use the tips of their feathers to help them aim, and when we tried it, it was amazing. A little thing like that makes such a difference. Hawks are really cool!" I smiled as Max asked the question I was about to ask, "Can you teach us what you learned?" Fang nods, "Yeah, sure. What about you?" Max got visibly upset, "Oh... heh... um... well first, I got... a little injury on my wing... and... I think I have a tracer chip implanted in my arm." I gasped loudly as Fang exclaimed "What?!??" "I'm not positive, but it showed up on an x-ray... and that's what it looked like." Max explains.

"...you had an xray?" Fang and I asked at the same time with two very different reactions. Max nods. "Details later. If I do have this chip, it explains all the erasers everywhere... but not why it's taken four years for them to hunt us down. And I don't know if any of you have one... there might not be any 'safe zone' for us. But we can't turn back now. No matter what... we're going after Angel." I nod in agreement, "Of course we are. We'll stick together forever!" Everyone agrees as the sun goes down.

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