Tokyo Bois!!

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Suga checked his phone worriedly, taking another look around the crowded airport, checking with the information on his phone "are you sure we're at the right gate?"

Oikawa hummed, playing with the straw of his drink "considering you've checked five times already in the last three minutes, I would hope so."

Suga sent him an unimpressed look, checking once more just to be sure, before clicking his phone off "you know I can't help but worry. If we get on the wrong plane its all your fault."

Oikawa just shrugged, finishing off the last of the whipped cream in the cup before tossing it in the garbage. He grabbed his suitcase handle, his bag in tow as he skipped off in the (hopefully) right direction "allons-y!!"

Suga sighed, grabbing his stuff as he quickly followed after him, hoping to God they were going the right way.

Somehow miraculously, Oikawa did end up being right and they were seated on their plane in a matter of minutes, flying comfortably. Well, if being cramped with no leg space and a crying baby on board could be considered comfortable,...

Nonetheless, everything ended up going smoothly, and the two ended up safely making it to the ground and into the outside. The cold Tokyo night air greeted them, refreshing as it hit their sweaty faces.

They turned to each other to share matching excited grins "we're in Japan!!"

It had been a dream of theirs for quite a while now, always unreachable but now they were here. It had taken lots of time and effort, as well as work and self-restraint and self-control but they had finally done it.

It was supposed to have been their high school graduation trip, but that had not ended working out in their favor, so instead they had to scrape up the finances, needed materials, and knowledge all on their own in the months following that.

But they had done it, and now one of their big dreams was coming true.

They managed to flag a taxi and direct it to their booked hotel without too much trouble. It was nearly midnight there, and with jetlag taking its toll, Suga would've been absolutely delighted to curl up and go to sleep right there on the back seat.

But the wonders of late-night Tokyo kept his eyes forcefully open, looking out at the city in wonder and damn him if he missed even a second of this trip he had dreamed of. Oikawa seemed to have the same line of thought, his eyes wide as he 'oohed' and 'aahed' at the sights on the other side of the window.

They paid the driver and left a tip, glad they'd taken out some yen beforehand, before signing in at the front desk and heading to their room. Thank goodness they had chosen a hotel that had English speaking workers, because Suga didn't know he would manage to communicate in his very broken Japanese, and especially when this exhausted.

They collapsed on the bed with exhausted groans, though there were smiles on their faces. Well, on Suga's at least. "Ugh, Koushi I told you we should have taken an earlier plane. Now I'm all tired and sweaty and disgusting, but too lazy to get up and do anything about it."

Suga huffed a laugh "if we took an earlier plane, we wouldn't have ended up here during the night when it would make sense to sleep and would have messed up our schedules. And you're not getting your dirty ass into bed without showering first."

Oikawa grumbled but got up nonetheless, shuffling around in his suitcase for a towel "we already messed up our schedules by staying up all last night, so don't even."

Suga grinned "but now we're going to bed at a normal time instead of evening or afternoon."

Oikawa rolled his eyes and headed to the bathroom to go get cleaned up. When he came back, Suga was fast asleep on the bed in the same position he had been when he'd left.

Lost in Japan [DaiSuga] [IwaOwa]Where stories live. Discover now