I Just Want To Survive

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During breakfast, Hyper ruminates on the fight. Multiple times he felt he was going to die, yet somehow he got out of it. The others, they took way too many risks.

The others often say that he's a worrier. That he's paranoid. Maybe he is. He's been a magical girl for so long, he should be used to it by now.

They know why he wished though. They know why he's terrified.

There's a reason he prefers rumours to witches.


It felt like months. It wasn't months, he knew it wasn't. It probably was only a day or so. He hadn't slept, so it wasn't like he could count his sleeps to tell. If he did sleep, he wouldn't wake up, he knew that for a fact.

But time seemed to pass slower here, as he watched the monster, the monster he couldn't describe devour people. Devour the people much like him who wandered into this hell. They all wandered in, tried to run, some didn't. Then the thing would open it's gaping jaw and devour them. A mess of what looked photoshopped flesh and bone and crisp wrappers consuming these people and growing bigger each time they came.

The ones that tried to run might've been able to hide for a short stint of time. Some weren't even able to take five steps before the little..minions it used, the weird green alien dolls captured them and either offered them to the monster or sometimes ate them themselves. Other people that came in..they had this dull look on their face. Smiling endlessly, but there was nothing behind that smile. Then they'd go up to it and it would just eat them. Nothing else required. He'd gotten a closer look at one when they had gotten quite close to him. He swears he saw a mark on their neck. But before he could reach out to them they got nabbed by a doll and taken to the monster.

He wasn't sure how he'd lived. He wasn't sure how he'd managed to get to the other side of the box it lived in, and hide behind and between two cabinets. He thinks it's because he came in with some other civilians who'd noticed him looking at it at the time. He'd found the weirdly glowing box and entered with everyone else. They all got consumed. He and another person managed to get away from the monster, but unlike him, who brought a water bottle and a packet of crisps with him, they had no food. When trying to escape, they got noticed and eaten just like the others.

He didn't have any hope of escape. He had already run out of food, and he only had a little amount of water remaining. He was parched and starving, but he was too scared to leave. After all, if he did he'd be next. Even if some other civilians came in he doubts his stroke of original luck would last.

He was curled up underneath these destroyed cabinets, just waiting. It was a waiting game. Either to be rescued, or more likely, to be found. To be found and killed like all the others.

He thought that maybe he should just go out there and let it happen. Be a quicker death than starving.

He perked up at the voice, looking around to see a figure looking down on him from the only gap in his hiding spot. Without his glasses he couldn't really see them, so he puts them on. Now they were clearer, he could see they're not a human, but rather a weird white rodent. Pink never blinking eyes. It was kinda cute, like someone's pet.

"Who- who are you?! Are you here to kill me?!" At this point, everything was out to get him.

"My name is Kyubey. Do you want help, Hyper?"

Hyper recoiled back a bit.

"How- how do you know my name?!" He whispered, hushed so the thing didn't hear him.

"I see potential in you." It said, no emotion in its voice.
"Potential, for what?"

"Well, let me tell you about this deal. I will grant you one wish. Any wish you please."
"What type of wish?"
"Anything? I can heal you, bring you food, money, save a loved one, revive a loved one, save you, if need be.."
He'd already got an idea of what he wanted, but he had to ask.
"What's the catch?"
"Well, if you make a contract with me, then you become a magical girl! And you fight witches!"
"Magical...girl? I'm a dude."
"I don't discriminate. I go to anyone who might need the help." It nodded. "So? Do you want to contract?"

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