twenty two

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"It will be okay."

Harry pulled out of Louis' soft grip and looked at him with hard eyes. "You know it won't."

"Harry." Louis sighed.

He was going back to school today after spending the weekend trying to calm down from all of the madness and there's no way he could avoid Derek but he would try.

"It won't! Stop telling me that it will be, Lou."

"Not if you don't try your best."

"Whatever." Harry scowled and grabbed his bag from the floor.

"I'm not letting you go while you're pissed at me." Louis stopped him.

"You can't hold me hostage."

"You have free will to walk out my door anytime. But I'd rather you stay and talk." Louis rephrased.

"About what? There's nothing to talk about! I don't want to talk to Derek and you're acting like it's all sunshine and rainbows, Lou. You don't have to baby me everyday, you're practically lying to me just to make me feel better."

"I'm sorry. All I'm trying to do is ease you, I know you're in a shitty situation so last thing I want is for you to be pissed off at me."

Harry rubbed his eyes. He was frustrated and he has been taking it out on Louis ever since yesterday, he couldn't feel worse.


"Don't be so angry with me, okay? I want to be the person you can forget about everything with, not frustrate you more."

"I'm sorry for being mean. Please accept my apology?" Harry frowned.

"Of course I accept your apology, love. Don't worry about it."

Harry slowly walked over to Louis for a hug only to be squished by Louis' arms.

"No!" Harry laughed out-loud when Louis ruffled his hair, "Louis I'm going to school!"

"What about it." Louis poked the boys side when he got free.

Harry stuck out his tongue at Louis and stomped to the bathroom to fix up his curls that were just previously ruined. Louis was already smiling when he walked out.

"I'm actually leaving now." Harry spoke and received a real hug from his boyfriend.

"I'll see you in a bit, text me when you're there."

Harry nodded and stole a kiss from the man before walking out of the door. Louis promised to start driving him since it was getting cold out and he always had time in the morning.

Harry met up with Violet when he got there, she had come early today for tutoring.

"Morning Harry!"

Harry smiled softly and looked down when his phone buzzed, "Louis' calling." he said.

Violet nodded, "I'll see you in class, okay?"

Harry smiled with a small nod and answered his phone, "Hello?"

When last period came around the two didn't sit next to Derek but grabbed them after class and told them they could talk when school ends. So, after school Harry and Violet were on their way to the back of the schoolyard.

Neither of them knew why Derek wanted to talk here, especially since it was it was below freezing outside.

"I hope he doesn't try to guilt trip us or worse, kill us."

Harry laughed, "I hope so too, I'm too easy."

"Don't let him guilt you into accepting his apology, remember, not only did he betray you but he touched Louis without his permission. Do you know how bad that is, Harry?"

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